Hero System - Use The Force

So, I was recently going through my rpg file section of my laptop, and it came across some drafted rules for using the latest edition of the Hero System to play a Star Wars game.  While we didn't build out everything needed, what we did build felt like Star Wars.

The Hero System, being point based, is a great way to balance jedi, scoundrels, druids, and pilots.  However, most of the fan creations out there as material are horrible.  So I started drafting my own.

First segment -- how I handled force powers, the temptation of the dark side, and game balancing it.

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The Force: Usage of the Force Skill (calculated at a starting value of 9 + EGO/5) grants a number of useful powers, such as the ability to sense impending attacks, to push and lift physical objects, influence the thoughts of others, and even see the future or maintain one’s consciousness after death.  Dark side users strong with the Force can summon lightning from their fingertips and cause pain to living creatures.

The Force Skill: The Force is a skill that characters can take – 3 Points buys the skill with a (9 + EGO/5) roll.  For each 2 points the skill roll is increased by +1. When using force powers, the skill roll suffers a -1 per 10 Active points in the power.

    The Force skill can also been used for non-power related abilities, such as a check to see force ghosts, or unlock a holocron, at the GM’s discretion.

    When developing or modifying existing force powers, a force practitioner requires time to meditate and align their spirits – after medition of 1 day per 10 active points in the new or modified power, a Force Skill check is needed, with the usual -1 modifier for every 10 Active Points.

The Dark Side

The dark side of the force is an easy path to power, but at great personal cost.  Most jedi adherents have to practice a monastic existence and constantly strive to a purity of being to stave off the temptations of the dark side.

    Any time the Force skill is used, if a 3 or an 18 is rolled, the force wielder gains a Dark Side Point.  If the wielder uses the force to kill a sentient being or commit a blatantly evil act they also gain a Dark Side Point (which means even good jedi need to fight off the temptation of the dark side now and then).  These points bestow the following effects:

10 Points – The Power of the Dark Side (For every 10 Dark Side Points, the force user gains a +1 Skill Level with the Force Skill.  These can be used to improve Force Skill checks).

20 Points – Tainted By The Dark Side (Physical Limitation - minor disfigurements, such as yellow eyes or pale skin, concealable with effort, causes reaction).

30 Points – Lured By The Dark Side (Psychological Limitation – desire to use the force, especially to harm or overwhelm enemies, EGO check at +5 to overcome compulsion, common/moderate)

40 Points – The Power of the Dark Side (Aid 3d6, boost force powers, costs 2 END/phase to maintain, only aid self)

50 Points – Dark Side Initiate (Perk, may unlock certain powers such as force lightning)

60 Points – Much Anger In You (enraged in combat, common, will use most powerful attacks including the force, 11- to become enraged, 8- to recover)

70 Points – Seduced By the Dark Side (Psychological Limitation – consumed by evil, character becomes NPC if not already, can no longer attempt to remove Dark Side Points, common/total)

80 Points – Consumed By The Dark Side (Physical Limtation – major disfigurement such as melted features, demonic countenance, withered or consumed limbs, etc.

Limitations and powers above do not grant extra character points, and cannot be bought off with experience points.  

    To remove Dark Side Points, it requires intense meditation and purification – for each full day of meditation with no other activity, a force user may attempt a Force Skill check, without using Skill Levels and further suffering a -1 penalty for every 10 points of Dark Side Points they have.  If they are successful, they may remove 1 Dark Side Point. If they fail the roll, they gain a further Dark Side Point.  If you reduce your Dark Side Point levels below the threshholds listed above, the effects are lost.

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Force Powers

Below is a sample of powers available to force-sensitive individuals.  They are ranked to show mastery, but different force users show unique abilities and strength in certain areas – the powers below are a starting point for players to start from.

Force powers require the practitioner to draw on energy gathered from the world around them – this requires meditation and balance with the energies around them.  If needed, a force user can draw on their own personal life force but it will leave them tired and weak.

    Living Force Endurance Reserves do not restore quickly, and require quiet contemplation – force powers should not be used frivolously.

The Living Force I: Endurance Reserve (40 END, 10 pts), Force Users may draw from The Living Force or personal END (+¼),  6 REC (4 pts), Recovery every hour (-4), Requires constant medition for the hour to recovery (-1) – 14 pts

The Living Force II: Endurance Reserve (80 END, 20 pts), Force Users may draw from The Living Force or personal END (+¼),  6 REC (4 pts), Recovery every hour (-4), Requires constant medition for the hour to recovery (-1) – 26 pts

Force Dash I: Running (+20m, 20 Points), Straight Line Only (-½), Requires Force Roll (-½), 2 END – 10 pts

Force Dash II: Running (+40m, 40 Points), Straight Line Only (-½), Requires Force Roll (-½), 4 END – 20 pts

Force Jump I: Leaping (20m, 10 pts), ECV Roll to Hit Target Area (0), Requires Force Roll (- ½), Concentration ½ DCV (- ¼), 1 END – 6 pts

Force Jump II: Leaping (40m, 20 pts), ECV Roll to Hit Target Area (0), Requires Force Roll (-½), 1 END – 13 pts

Force Jump III: Leaping (80m, 40 pts), ECV Roll to Hit Target Area (0), Requires Force Roll (-½), 1 END – 26 pts

Force Push I: Telekinesis (20 STR, Range 150m, 30 pts), reduced range (-¼), affects whole objects (-¼), requires Force Roll (-½), concentration throughout ½ DCV (-½), extra time full phase (-½), gestures (- ¼), 3 END – 9 pts

Force Push II: Telekinesis (30 STR, Range 225m, 45 pts), fine manipulation (10 pts), reduced range (-¼), affects whole objects (-¼), requires Force Roll (-½), concentration throughout ½ DCV (-½), 6 END – 22 pts

Force Push III: Telekinesis (40 STR, Range 300m, 60 pts), fine manipulation (10 pts), area of effect (selective, 16 x 2m squares, +1), reduced range (-¼), requires Force Roll (-½), concentration throughout ½ DCV (-½), 12 END – 53 pts

Jedi Mind Trick I: Mind Control (6d6, Range 150m, 30 pts), believe it was their idea (20 pts), hypnosis only can’t achieve full mind control effects above EGO+20 (-½), reduced range (-½), concentration throughout ½ DCV (-½), requires Force Roll (-½), gestures (-¼), extra time full phase (-½), 5 END – 13 pts

Jedi Mind Trick II: Mind Control (8d6, Range 150m, 40 pts), believe it was their idea (20 pts), hypnosis only can’t achieve full mind control effects above EGO+20 (-½), reduced range (-½), concentration ½ DCV (-¼), requires Force Roll (-½), gestures (-¼), 6 END – 20 pts

Lightsaber Fling I: RKA (3d6, Range 60m, 45 pts), NND Only blocked by other lightsabers and force fields (+2½), Does BODY (+1), requires lightsaber (OAF, rare, -1½), No STR bonus (-½), limited range (-¼), 15 END – 52 pts

Sense The Force I: Detect (force, 5pts), 360 degree arc of perception (5pts), discriminatory (5pts), range (5pts), Concentration ½ DCV throughout (-½), costs END each phase used (-½), requires Force Roll (-½), 2 END – 8 pts

Sense The Force II: Detect (force, 5pts), 360 degree arc of perception (5pts), discriminatory (5pts), range (5pts), fully penetrative (10pts), telescopic (+6 PER against RMod, 3 pts), Concentration ½ DCV throughout (-½), costs END each phase used (-½), requires Force Roll (-½), 3 END – 13 pts

Sense The Force III: Detect (force, 5pts), 360 degree arc of perception (5pts), discriminatory (5pts), range (5pts), fully penetrative (10pts), telescopic (+20 PER against RMod, 10pts), Concentration ½ DCV throughout (-½), costs END each phase used (-½), requires Force Roll (-½), 4 END – 16 pts

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool. You ever end up fleshing this out? Other areas. My group loves Hero, but we have shied away because we just didn't see a good "simple" way through Starship Combat with Hero.
