DCC Treasure - Magic Items of Aquerria I

Hey folks … my players discovered another magic item in our DCC Road Crew game this week that they were pretty excited about, and it occurs to me that it would be worth sharing some of these in a blog for people to use, since my players already know about them.

he important thing about magic items in DCC is they should have quirks, flaws, personality, or features that make them more than just a plain +1 to hit and damage … I used the random Sword Magic table to create some of these, or used results from those tables as guidelines, but ultimately I tweaked them so they’d be memorable, thematic, and occasionally dangerous.

“Nobtocker”, +1 Cudgel
     A rough club with knots and bends in it, and capped with a studded brass ring on the end of it. 
     AL C; Int 11; Simple Urges to Communicate; Extended critical range when facing wizards (19-20); Purposes are to punish interlopers and those who interfere, and slay wizards; Power to cast detect invisible 1/day (caster check 1d10+20); magic resistance (all spells targeting wielder suffer -2 to spell checks).


“Thelevelac the White Flame”, +2 Frostbrand Longbow
     This white Ashwand wood bow has ivory fittings and elven leaf etchings along it’s length, and is unusually cold to the touch.
     AL N; Int 10; Empathy; Banes: Dragons (Extended critical range), Fey (unerring aim, always hits); Purpose to become one with nature; Frostburn (+1d3 cold damage, double damage vs fire breathing dragons); Fire resistance (ignore the first 3 points of fire damage from any attack)


“Urgantiir”, Handaxe +1
     A stout dwarven handaxe, with knotwork dragons carved on the side of the blade.  It is incredibly heavy for it’s size.  Any person wielding Urgantiir of non-dwarven blood will find their hair will grow slightly faster than normal, especially beards.
     AL N; Int 6; No communication; No specific purpose; Bane vs boggards (shattering blow, +1d10 on critical hit); Power to detect gems, detect gold, and detect secret doors within 10’, Flame Tongue (1/day jet of flame cone, 40’ long x 10’ wide, all take 2d6 dmg and may catch on fire (DC 14 Reflex save to avoid).  Urgantiir is inscribed on blade, DC 15 dwarf check to know its history.


“Meleshavam”, Mithril Dagger +1
     AL N; Int 7; Empathy communication; Spill the blood of no man; Power to detect gold within 50 ft, Comprehend Languages (spell check 1d10+20, 1/day), Locate Object (spell check 1d10+20, 2/day), regenerative (wielder heals twice as fast, and doubles effects from Lay On Hands).  Meleshavam is etched on the blade in elven, only visible under moonlight, DC 15 elf check to know its history.

Mantle of Palantis
     A bright red waist-length mantle and hood, embroidered with silver prayers to Aubrec in Iorian.  Any Lawful character will feel quite comfortable in this mantle, but woe betide any Chaotic person who might touch it, it would lay a terrible curse upon them, reducing their Luck by -2 until they repent or convert.
     AL L; Any person of a non lawful alignment suffers 3d4 disfavour from the Lawful gods if touched; Casts Blessing (caster check 1d10+16, 1/day).


“Pain-Tooth”, Bronze Grue Dagger +2
     This roughly forged bronze dagger made for very large hands has strange marks up and down the blade that appear to be etched symbols of sharp teeth.
     AL C; Int 13; Empathy communication; Purpose is to dominate and command others; Power to detect humans within 20 ft, wielder can read Grue language, Precise Strike (+1d4 to hit), Magic Resistance (when wielded all spell checks directly against the wielder suffer -2 to spell checks).




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