DCC Spell - The Whispering Worms of Absolom

Going through my copy of the DCC Annual, there's a spell in there called White Snake Immortality.  I'm intrigued by it, because it invokes the idea of ghoulish worms like the Tomb Ghouls used in the Doom of the Savage Kings adventure module.  Taking that spell as inspiration, and changing it, what would it be like for a necromancer to summon the spirits of the ghoul worms to augment their bodies?

In my game, Ahur is the Lord of the Dead, much like Ahriman.  This is a patron spell, but can be learned by non-necromancer wizards, but all casting checks are at -2, and patron taint is gained on a natural roll of 1-3.

Here's my take on it.  Enjoy!

Whispering White Worms of Absolom
Level:                         3 (Ahur)                                                         Range:                       Self          
Duration:                  Varies                                                             Casting Time:           2 rounds
Save:                          N/A
General:  By calling on the otherworldly denizens of Absolom, the caster is able to call forth spectral toothed worms that protect the caster’s body, invigorating them with their unnatural life forces.
Manifestation: Roll 1d5: (1) ghostly worms writhe around the caster, creating a pale, smoky shroud with eyes and teeth; (2) the ghostly worms chew their way into the host body of the caster, leaving wounds that seep with spectral ichor; (3) a handful of spectral worms circle the caster’s head, formimg an unholy halo; (4) the spectral worms burrow into the ground around the caster, and emerge to obstruct attacks or spells that are directed at the wizard.
Corruption: Roll 1d4: (1) caster's life force is leeched by the angered worms, causing him to permanently lose 1 point of Stamina; (2) the worms force their way down the caster’s gullet, scarring his mouth and throat, causing 2d4 hit points damage, and while wounded reduce his voice to a croaking whisper (-1d to casting spells); (3) the worms do not manifest now, but later, coming to the wizard in his dreams, whispering horrors he was not meant to know – for the next 1d8 nights make a DC 12 Will Save or suffer 1 point of temporary Personality Damage; (4) A single worm manifests directly within the caster, as a parasite … for the next 1d6 x 1d6 days, food is tasteless, and if the caster fails a DC 11 Will save each morning, they will seek out the taste of blood to nourish them.
Misfire:    Roll 1d4: (1) the wizard suffers 3d4 hit points damage from the worms chewing his innards; (2) the mouth of the wizard becomes toothed and lamprey-like for the next 1d4 hours, and they lose the power of speech (and a -2d to cast spells); (3) for the next 1d6 days, the touch or taste of salt causes 1d4 hp damage; (4) Cramping pains of the wizard’s innards causes a -1d to all die checks, saves, and attacks for the next 1d4 hours.
Mercurial Magic:

1                Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-2) corruption; (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (4+) misfire.
2-11          Lost, failure
12-15        Failure, but the spell is not lost
16-19        The ghostly worms manifest and grant the caster 1d4 temporary hit points and +2 to Fort saves for 1d4 hours.
20-23        The worms grant the caster 2d6 temporary hit points for 2d4 hours.
24-28        The worms grant the caster regeneration, healing 1d4 hit points at the end of each round, assuming they have at least 1 hit point.  Regeneration lasts 2d6 rounds.
29-31        The worms grant the caster regeneration, healing 2d4 hit points at the end of each round, assuming they have at least 1 hit point.  Regeneration lasts 4d6 rounds.
32-33        A single worm takes hold of the caster’s body for the next year.  During that time they do not age, and are granted a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves, and 6d4 temporary hit points, assuming they spent at least 2 points of spellburn during casting (otherwise they get the 29-31 spell check effects).  If they cast this spell again before it expires, they automatically suffer the effects of corruption as the first casting is forcibly ended.
34-35        A single worm takes hold of the caster’s body for the next 1d4 years.  During that time they do not age, are granted a +4 bonus to Fortitude saves, 8d4 temporary hit points, and are immune to poison, assuming they spent at least 6 points of spellburn during casting (otherwise they get the 29-31 spell check effects).  If they cast this spell again before it expires, they automatically suffer the effects of corruption and misfire as the first casting is forcibly ended.
36+           A single worjm takes hold of the caster’s body for the next 1d10 years.  During that time they do not age, are granted a +4 bonus to Fortitude saves, 10d4 temporary hit points, are immune to disease and poison, assuming they spent at least 10 points of Spellburn during casting (otherwise they get the 29-31 spell check effects).  If they cast this spell again before it expires, they automatically suffer the effects of corruption, and two misfire effects,  as the first casting is forcibly ended.  

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