Harnmaster 3.75 Character Sheet

So, working on my upcoming HarnMaster campaign, I needed a new character sheet to go with my house rules ... I've gone through a few versions as I realized some of my players need bigger spaces to write, things weren't intuitive to navigate etc.

You can see from the character sheet there are some things I'm doing very differently from 3rd edition HarnMaster ...

  • I'm using a big chunk of character generation routines from HarnMaster Kelestia
  • I'm using the HMK attributes Reasoning, Creativity, Empathy, and Eloquence
  • I kept Contacts from HM3, but slightly less (1 for Young, 2 for Mature, 4 for Old Characters)
  • I'm using HMK Fate Points (but the Fate roll is just Aura x 5)
  • I'm keeping the idea of Income dice from HMK, but simplified and used after character generation as well (an apprentice metalsmith would roll 1d4 x 10d income per month after living expenses, a journeyman would roll 3d4 x 10d, a master would roll 5d4 x 10d, etc)
  • A lot of my skills I've lifted from HMK (Discourse, Command, etc)
  • Condition is a skill from HMG (and I'm not using Endurance as an Attribute)
  • Move is a skill from HMG
  • I'm using the HMK skill Melee for Unarmed, Dodge, etc, and it can be specialized
  • I'm using Weariness from HMK, and a house rule for short term combat fatigue called Winded
  • I'm going waaaaay back to HM 1st edition for the concept of Free Load (no encumbrance) for the first (Strength + Frame) pounds, and then 1 level of Encumbrance penalty for each multiple thereafter

Click on the image below for a link to the PDF file!

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