HarnMaster 3.75 - Alchemy

Way back in the mists of time, I spent a chunk of my youth chatting with N Robin Crossby on his BBS, dialing into British Columbia with my 300 baud modem.  We chatted about all things Harn and Harnmaster, but one thing we discussed was alchemy.

There is floating around on Lythia.com an adaptation of the original text file Robin had worked on (Alchemy At Lythia.Com), talking about an alchemical almanac for players and recipes to be learned, but it lacked recipes, and was pretty complex.

eading over the HarnMaster Kelestia rules, they pushed it in the right direction with elixirs, but a bit complex for my tastes -- but I liked the concept that alchemical recipes can border on magic, and are influenced by the Pvaric principles.  So here's my stab at it, as I prepare my HarnMaster 3.75 campaign, circling around to conversations and ideas that are 40+ years in the rumination ...

Here's my first stab at it ... it could use some more recipes.  If you have any ideas, send them over to me and I'll update  the blog.





Elixirs take 40d per complexity level in materials, take 1d3 watches per complexity level to prepare, and typically have a shelf life equal to 4d6 days (double if CS is rolled).  Skill checks to create an alchemical elixir suffer a -5 EML x the complexity level of the creation being attempted.

     Modifiers: No workshop -30, insufficient workshop -5 x « requirement shortfall, rush -1d6 watches -20, extra time +1d6 days +10, convocational attunement to a pvaric element used in a recipe +10.


Anointment of Stend (Alchemy I, Jmorvi)

- when applied to a metallic object (up to 10 pounds per dose), it immediately remotes all rust, tarnishing and cosmetic damage.


Breath of the Elmithri (Alchemy II, Odivshe)

- allows the imbiber to breathe water, as well as air, for 3d6 minutes.

Brine of Uhla (Alchemy I, Lyahvi)

- when mixed with alcohol, these salts can be consumed to produce psychotropic effects, increasing the intensity of colours, sounds, and smells.  The imbiber receives a +10 EML to all Awareness checks, but suffers a -10 EML to all Social Skill checks as they are highly distracted.  The brine can be addictive (1% chance per dose taken).


Decanter of Erudition (Alchemy I, Savorya)

- this elixir augments the creativity and eloquence of the imbiber, granting a +10 EML to all Discourse and Charm skill checks for 4d6 minutes.


Destroyer of Kanaaj (Alchemy I, Jmorvi)

- a specialized acid that dissolves inanimate objects such as glass, wood or steel, causing 1d6 AQ, WQ or equivalent damage to an item it is in contact with per round for 1d4 rounds.


Dram of Equipoise (Alchemy II, Savorya)

- creates a deeper connection with the spirit to the body, and grants a +20 EML to any Fate roll, Spirit check, Mental Conflict check, or a competing skill check against a mind-affecting power for 2d6 hours.


Essence of Aquae (Alchemy I, Odivshe)

- drinking this satisfies water consumption for 1d3 days?


Flask of Vaporesence (Alchemy I, Peleahn)

- this harmless, clear liquid explosively combusts when exposed to air.  If thrown in a glass flask, on contact with a target it causes Fire damage equal to the appropriate « + 3F, and creates a black noxious cloud of vapor that obsucres vision in a 10’ radius for 1d6 rounds.


Glaze of Ahnu (Alchemy II, Peleahn)

- when applied to an object or rubbed on a person’s skin, it protects them from fire and heat.  Protection from the next 10 points of Fire damage is eliminated, at which point the glaze is expended, or it naturally evaporates in 1d6 hours.


Ointment of the Roe (Alchemy I, Lyahvi)

- a few drops of this in each of a person’s eyes grants improved nocturnal vision, eliminating -10 EML penalty from darkness for 1d6 hours.


Preserve of Skorus (Alchemy I, Neutral)

- an additive that can be prepared and added to another potion or elixir, giving it a shelf life of an additional 2d30 days.  Unlike other elixirs, the shelf life of this preserve is indefinite until used.


Preventation of Iliam (Alchemy I, Fyvria)

- when consumed, the imbiber is somewhat protected from infection, disease, and poisons, granting a +10 EML to any check to prevent these effects for 1d3 days.


Spirits of Verity (Alchemy I, Lyahvi)

- when fumes of this elixir are inhaled, it allows the user to spot illusions or glamours – grant a +10 EML to spot an illusion, or to any Will check to oppose an illusion.  If the user is already under the effects of a glamour, it allows another Will check.


Steps of Thought (Alchemy III, Savorya)

- drinking this causes the imbiber to fall into a deep sleep in 3d6 minutes, and allows them to have their spirit travel astrally for 5d20 minutes, or whenever they wish to return to their body.  Astral spirits can perceive other ethereals, move at CRE x 5 ft.  If an astral spirit suffers dissolution, it returns to its physical body in 4d6 hours.


Unguent of Ermael (Alchemy II, Fyvria)

- when applied to a wound, it immediately causes all bleeding to cease, and grants that one wound an immediate healing roll – however, the recipient takes a level of Weariness immediately.


Vapor of Balrin (Alchemy IV, Odivshe)

- when exposed to air, this liquid expands five hundred fold, becoming ethereal water.  The contents of single glass flask thrown and broken in an area expands to a cloud of ethereal water 5’ in diameter that remains for 1d6 minutes, and all creatures moving through the cloud do so at half-movement, and also take a level of Windedness.  If a creature is trapped in the vapors for more than Stamina x 20 seconds, they will start to drown.


Wax of Tun (Alchemy IV, Jmorvi)

- when rubbed into a metallic object as a polish, one dose can affect an object up to 15 pounds in weight – it increases the weight of the object by another 50%, but grants an addition +1d6 to WQ, AQ, or equivalent protection for 3d6 hours.

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