Well ... going through all my old HM1/HMG spells created for my campaign by myself and my players as my newer gaming group dive into Harn, and some of them would be great additions, if I could update them to HM3.5. So here's the first one ...
Hewgon’s Exodus (IV)
A spell that allows the
caster to place his consciousness wholly within his shadow. Upon the departure
of the caster’s “soul”, his body functions much like the Psionic talent
Disembodiment, entering into a trance subject to possession, abuse, etc.
The shadow possessed by the
caster’s soul may detach itself from the body and act as the caster wishes;
however it still retains the attributes of a shadow. It is able to
maintain empathy with its native body, and locate it if necessary.
The shadow only possesses INT,
AUR, and WIL, much like an ethereal, but does exist within the material world.
It may MOVE at SI x 2 hexes per round
It is possible for the
shadow to perceive the world with vision only, no hearing, smell/taste, or
touch. Its EYE value is equal to SI. It cannot communicate (unless it knows
The shadow cannot attempt to
cast spells or use psionic abilities with the base effect of the spell.
A shadow of course, is likely to escape
notice in poorly lit environs, unless of course the caster wishes to do something
If this shadow exposed to light (that would dispel a shadow normally) it suffers Fatigue Levels every round (1 level for Candlelight, 2 levels for torchlight, 3 levels for a bonfire, and 4 levels for daylight). The Shadow must then make a Shock roll (using WILL instead of STAMINA) with a failure suffering dissolution. Upon return of the caster’s soul to their (hopefully unpossessed) body 2d6 hours later, a Shock Roll is required.
Bonus Effects
ML61+ The caster may now “hear” activity through their
shadow, with a HRG of SI.
ML81+ The caster may now use Psionic abilities, spells, or other esoteric abilities while occupying their shadow, but at half EML.
Time: (15-SI) x 3
Range: N/A
Duration: MS: ML
minutes/ CS: ML x 3 minutes