HarnMaster Bestiary - Water Elemental

Two down, four to go!  Let's tackle the HarnMaster water elemental next.  It's going to have similar mechanics to the earth elemental (occupying potentially a huge body of element, like a small river, or even Lake Benath).  

As with the others, let's stat out the ethereal part of the elemental, with low INT, AUR and WIL.  Let's give it the ability to manipulate the body of water it's in, or form a body that can go on a rampage -- but it should be dependent on water, and if it decides to go cross-country galivanting, it should wear out or dissipate pretty quickly.

And of course, let's keep using a Summoning skill for some hedge wizards or shamans to call these things up ...


     Some religions and cults use the arcane mysteries to summon entities from the astral world. Often called ‘black magic’ or ‘demonry’, such practices are held in great secret and revealed only to those who can understand the ethereal spirits and bargain with them. Each religion or cult’s Summoning routine tests its own, separate skill (Elemental Summomning, Gytevsha Summoning, Shadow Summoning, V’hir Summoning).

     Water Elemental Summoning: This arcane invocation allows the summoner to call forth an elemental of any type.  If the summoner is attuned to the corresponding Pvaric element, they increase their EML by +10.  To perform this ritual, a great deal of source material (fire, wind, dirt, water, metal, etc) is required to be the receptacle for the summoned elemental.  Without sufficient source material, the spell automatically results in CF.
     CF results in being the caster's lungs filling with water, suffering a 3d6 internal injury and make a Shock roll for passing out (and a subsequent Shock recovery roll to see if the caster goes into shock).
     MF results in an Aural Shock (1d6 levels),
     MS results in summoning an Elemental that may or may not be under the caster's control (make Mental Conflict checks each round until one side is victorious) and the spirit manifests for SI x 10 minutes.
     CS results in a summoned faithful elemental that remains present for SI hours. 
     Regardless of success, the caster suffers 1d3 levels of Weariness from the summoning attempt.

Water Elementals
Simple ethereal spirits that are instinctively drawn to occupy host objects in the material world of water, are often to referred to by arcanists as water elementals.

     As with all elementals, they are ethereal, but can become 
corporeal through the animation of their host element.  Unless driven to act under the geas or command of a summoner, water elementals are defensive and territorial, vigorously protecting their host body of water.

Water Elemental

     Habitat: Rivers, Lakes or the Sea 

     Height: 12’ tall

     Size: Very Large/d10


   INT 6, AUR 6, WIL 10, MOV 4 (12 if travelling in a body of water)


   Condition 30, Initiative 30, Melee/Dodge 30

   Telepathy 30, Sensitivity 30, Manifestation 30, Spirit 30, Odivshe 60


     Manifestation: Water elementals can attempt to form a humanoid body out of their host materials with a successful manifestation check, accruing 1 Fatigue Level, and will remain in that coherent form for 1d6 x 10 minutes.  The host form has a Move of 4/20 feet out of water, and 12/60 feet inside a body of water.

     Watery Surge: Either from a blow from a manifested humanoid form, or a surge of their host water, a water elemental can attempt to strike a creature with a 4b strike, or grab and hold a creature with an effective Strength of 14.  Opponents held under water may begin to drown.
     Odivshe Magic: An elemental can manifest any 
ethereal or mundane water effects as an Odvishe Shek-Pvar, there are some sample effects they can generate:

     Currents & Waves (Odivshe II): The elemental can use part of it's host form to wash against creatures up to 10' away from it, either holding them in place, or pushing them back.  A successful opposed Strength test is required to overcome the effect (Invocation 9 seconds, Duration 3 rounds, 1 Fatigue Level).

     Flow (Odivshe II): A water elemental can flow through barriers, under doors, through small cracks and then reincorporate in a more substantial form.  (Invocation 9 seconds, Duration 3 rounds, 1 Fatigue Level)

     Engulf (Odivshe III): The elemental can create a deluge of water to affect a target in an adjacent hex, forcing water into their mount and nose.  Air breathing creatures must make a 3d6 Shock roll or be rendered unconscious, and begin to drown (see Swimming).

     Possession: While earth elementals can attempt to possess a mortal host, their low Aura and Will make it extremely unlikely, and their simple instincts prefer to occupy a body of water instead.

     Harmed By The Elements: If a water elemental manifests, their host form can be harmed with some difficulty (even if they cannot) by heavy winds, overwhelming amounts of heat or earth, or magic, which all cause levels of fatigue and potential dissolution.

     Water Spirits: While occupying a host body of water of at least 20 cubic feet, a Water Elemental may rest and regain fatigue at a rate of 1 Fatigue Level per hour.  If separated from a host body of water, the elemental suffers 1 Fatigue Level per minute.


   * Armour (none – immune to non-magical attacks, damage translates to Fatigue levels, if Fatigue levels exceed Aura, dissolution occurs.

Thoughts?  Drop me a line at archadethered@gmail.com