Okay, next up on my elemental list, I've been thinking about the different Pvaric elementals and how they are represented in HarnMaster. And of all of them, the HMG/HMK 'metal elemental' being an oozy blob with heat effect really bothers me. That's not Jmorvi principle. I thought I'd take a stab at that.
Since elementals are ethereals that have a preference for possessing objects or material in the real world, if an earth elemental likes possessing earth and rock, a Jmorvian elemental would want to possess something constructed -- the more complicated the better. So swords, winches, scales, anything that has complex (and ideally metallic) structure. And they can augment their host object in various ways ...
As in my previous blog articles, I've lifted inspiration of the Summoning skill from HMK for use in my game for Navehans summoning Gytevsha, no reason we can't allow tribal shamans or elven arcanists to summon elementals the skill. Of course, a Jmorvi mage could develop a spell to summon an artifice elemental as well.
Some religions and cults use the arcane mysteries to summon entities from the astral world. Often called ‘black magic’ or ‘demonry’, such practices are held in great secret and revealed only to those who can understand the ethereal spirits and bargain with them. Each religion or cult’s Summoning routine tests its own, separate skill (Elemental Summomning, Gytevsha Summoning, Shadow Summoning, V’hir Summoning).
Elemental Summoning: This arcane invocation allows the summoner to call forth an elemental of any type. If the summoner is attuned to the corresponding Pvaric element, they increase their EML by +10. To perform this ritual, a great deal of source material (fire, wind, dirt, water, artifice, etc) is required to be the receptacle for the summoned elemental. Without sufficient source material, the spell automatically results in CF.
CF results in being pulled down into the ground, suffering a 2d6 wound on a low strike location and effectively being grabbed by a Strength 18 opponent until they manage to clamber free.
MF results in an Aural Shock (1d6 levels),
MS results in summoning an Elemental that may or may not be under the caster's control (make Mental Conflict checks each round until one side is victorious) and the spirit manifests for SI x 10 minutes.
CS results in a summoned faithful elemental that remains present for SI hours.
Regardless of success, the caster suffers 1d3 levels of Weariness from the summoning attempt.
Artifice Elementals
Simple ethereal spirits that are instinctively drawn to occupy host objects in the material world of complex construction, are often to referred to by arcanists as artifice elementals.
As with all elementals, they are ethereal, but can become manipulate their corporeal host object. Unless driven to act under the geas or command of a summoner, they are are often obstinate and somewhat aggressive.
The Khuzdul know several Jmorvi enhantments to make a construction an appealing host object for Artifice Elementals, and know means of communicating with them to bargain for their services.
Artifice Elemental
Habitat: Workshops, Forges, Smithies
Height: Varies
Size: Varies
INT 6, AUR 6, WIL 12, MOV 0 (unless manifesting a moving object like a wagon)
Condition 30, Initiative 30, Melee/Dodge 30
Telepathy 30, Sensitivity 30, Manifestation 30, Spirit 60, Jmorvi 60
Manifestation: Artifice elementals can attempt to form a bond with a constructed object, and manipulate it in subtle ways with a successful manifestation check, accruing 1 Fatigue Level, and will remain able to influence it's host object for 1d6 x 10 minutes.
Ease of Use: The host object performs it's function better than normal -- a cart might move more smoothly, a sword feel more balanced, or the like. Add +10 to the use of any skill involved with this object, subject to the whim of the elemental.
Hardiness: Any object the elemental occupies is protected by the elemental, granting it +4 Weapon Quality, Armor Quality, or additional points of Impact protection, as applicable.
Jmorvi Magic: An elemental can manifest any effects focused on their host object as a Jmorvi Shek-Pvar, and listed below are some sample effects they can generate
Sharpness (Jmorvi II): Any edge impact of a possessed object is increased by +2. (Invocation 9 seconds, Duration 10 minutes, 1 Fatigue level)
Willing Host (Jmorvi III): A friendly, willing earth elemental can allow enchantments to reside within their host object, acting as a greater artefact with EGO/WILL equal to the elemental. This effectd lasts until the elemental vacates the object (Invocation 9 hours, 3 Fatigue Levels)
Shieldbreaker (Jmorvi IV): The host object becomes destructive to other constructed objects, and a stout blow requires a 4d6 check against the Weapon Quality, Armor Quality or object hardness -- if the roll exceeds that number, the targeted object is broken. (Invocation 9 seconds, Duration 1 minute, 1 Fatigue Level)
Possession: While earth elementals can attempt to possess a mortal host, their low Aura and Will make it extremely unlikely, and their simple instincts prefer to occupy a mechanism or forget steel host object instead.
Harmed By The Elements: If an artifice elemental manifests, their host form can be harmed (even if they cannot) by fire, impact, etc, which causes the possessing elemental in turn levels of fatigue and potential dissolution.
Artifice Spirits: While occupying a host object of complex construction, an Artifice Elemental may rest and regain fatigue at a rate of 1 Fatigue Level per hour.
* Armour (none – immune to non-magical attacks, damage translates to Fatigue levels, if Fatigue levels exceed Aura, dissolution occurs.
Thoughts? Drop me a line at archadethered@gmail.com
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