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Patron - Dagos The Night Serpent

So, one of our newer players ended up having their Druid character use Patron Bond with a powerful entity in my game, Dagos the Night Serpent.  Think the World Serpent of Norse myth, only it ruled over a dark kingdom in the campaign world centuries ago, and recently was slain and banished back to the Lower Hells by a powerful Conan-esque hero -- and it seeks revenge, and a return to the world.

 looked at the patrons from the Core Rulebook and the Book of Fallen Gods for inspiration, and came up with my own list of Invoke Patron and Patron Taint ideas, but I was heavily inspired by Conan's Thulsa Doom for Invoke Patron ideas, and the Balrog from LOTR for Dagos itself.  Imagine an ancient evil, as old as history, that would use mortal pawns to engineer it's return to the mortal realm, if allowed.  Dagos isn't evil per se, even though it's certainly a Chaotic Demon, it seeks dominion and rulership over mortals above all else, and is fairly selfish.

Feel free to use this patron as you see fit, and drop me a note at archadethered@gmail.com with any great campaign stories involving Dagos.   


The Night Serpent, Demon Queen of Toln

Dagos is much more than a demon lord summoned forth to the mortal world, she has ruled the primeval lands before the coming of mankind and their cities and civilizations.  The shadows are home to Dagos, and she whispers secrets to those who listen.  It is told in some tales that she was banished back to her realm not so long ago by a hero of Almengard, but these are rumors spread by those who fear her most.  If it is true, certainly Dagos wants to return to the mortal realm, and reclaim her lost kingdom she ruled for centuries.
     Dagos is most often described or depicted as a midnight black serpent the size of a castle, she is the most common demon known to the common folk, and is often used in cautionary tales to small children, who should beware lest they be swallowed up in the middle of the night, cottage and all.
     Cultists of Dagos can often be found in Almengard, where she has dwelt below their city of Toln for centuries, and further abroad, where they meet in secret circles and share secrets no mortal was meant to know.

Invoke Patron Check Results

12-13      Dagos rouses briefly from her slumber to offer assistance in the form of unnatural vitality, granting +2 to all Fortitude saves for 1d6 turns for the caster.

14-17      Dagos whispers secrets of untold millennia to the caster’s mind, and for the next 1d6+CL turns, they are somewhat distracted, requiring a Concentration check to maintain any spell and a -4 on any Initiative check, but during this time they are granted a +4 bonus to Will saves against any enchantment, charm, or illusion.

18-19      The Night Serpent has a very long view of mortals, and plans within plans.  Centuries are a mere eyeblink to Dagos.  The supplicant that asks Dagos for guidance receives subtle directions and hints.  For the next day, the caster may choose to re-roll Initiative checks or any INT-based checks, but if re-rolled must accept the second result, even if it is a failure.

20-23      Dagos has taken a direct interest in the caster, and sends a black serpent to guard them for the next day.  The serpent will attack any that attack the caster, but otherwise will not do the caster’s bidding – it is Dagos’ faithful servant, and only takes direction from her.

                     Viper: Init +2; Atk bite +1 melee (1d3 plus poison); AC 16; HD 1d8 (5 hp); MV 20’, Climb 20’, Swim 20’; Act 1d20; SP poison (Fort DC 16 or death, success takes 1d3 Stamina damage; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will -1; AL N

24-27      The Night Serpent animates the shadows, granting the caster in darkness or near-darkness an Armor Class bonus as well as a bonus to hide of +2 for a duration of 1d8+CL turns.

28-29      The night has nothing it can hide from a servant of Dagos – the caster can see with Darkvision up to 120’, and can see in even magical darkness, for the next 1d8+CL turns.

30-31      Through a great ritual, the servant of Dagos can take on her terrible aspect, transforming to a great demonic black serpent, 40’ long, with the abilities listed below.  The transformation takes 1d6 rounds, during which the caster cannot perform any actions other than a single movement action.  After transformation, the caster may remain in serpent form for 1d12+CL turns or transform back earlier should they choose (with the re-transformation also taking 1d6 rounds).
     Night Serpent (Type II Demon): Init +4; Atk bite +10 melee (1d6 + constrict); AC 18; HD 5d10 (27 hp); MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP constriction 1d6 (DC 16 to escape), Darkness (+8 caster check), ESP, Healed In Darkness (regains 1 hp per round if in full darkness), Infravision 60’, resistance to damage from non-magical weapons, fire, acid, cold, electricity, or gas; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2; AL C, Crit DN/1d6 (19-20).

32+         Dagos calls forth the night, all goes dark within 200’ – in that darkness, all Lawful creatures take 1d3 damage per round as their will to live is sapped.  Also in that darkness, the caster regains 1 hit point per round as they are healed, and receive a +4 bonus to all saving throws and Armor Class as long as they remain in the summoned dark.

Patron Taint

When patron taint is indicated for Dagos, roll 1d6 on the table below.  When a caster has acquired all six taints at all levels of effect they are effectively turned into a Type I demon and summoned to the Lower Hells. 

1              The caster’s eyes become black orbs, resulting in a -1d to all social skills.  Rolling this a result a second time allows the caster to see 120’ with darkvision, but bright daylight causes the caster discomfort bestowing a -1 penalty to all checks.  Rolling this a third time causes the caster to see details within shadows, being able to determine the alignment of any creature by viewing their shadow, and see invisible objects, but the shadows are distracting, suffer a -2 to all skill checks involving sight.

2              The caster’s touch radiates the coldness of the Dagos’ infernal realm, causing discomfort to any they touch.  If this result is rolled a second time, toes fuse together and begin to develop into two-clawed appendages.  Reduce MV by -10’.  Rolling this result a second time causes anyone touched to take 1d3 cold damage without exception.  Rolling this result a third time causes the caster’s hands to become reptilian claws, allowing a 1d4 natural attack (in addition to the cold), and the caster suffers a -2 to all caster checks and skill checks involving Agility.

3              The caster’s shadow takes on a mind of its own, and starts acting slightly differently than the caster – most differences are subtle but unnerving, causing a -1d penalty to skill checks involving social interaction if the shadow can be seen.  The second time this result is rolled, the shadow takes on a life of its own at the cost of the caster – it can behave independently, granting an d14 action die to the caster to attack enemies, but the caster loses 1d3 points of Personality permanently.  If this result is rolled a third time, the shadow becomes fully sentient, and has the ability to detach from the caster for short periods of time.  It will begin to enact Dagos’ will, harming Lawful creatures and those that malign the caster, as a fully fledged Shadow (see Bestiary).

4              The caster’s skin takes a greyish tinge, and small iridescent patches can be found on their hands and arms.  If rolled a second time, their skin becomes midnight black, and they take on a scaly appearance.  If this result is rolled a third time, their face takes on a serpentine shape, causing fear and horror to those who look upon them.

5              The casters very presence causes minor flames within 30’ to flicker and die, such as candles.  If rolled a second time, it causes lanterns and torches to go out.  If rolled a third time, it causes camp fires and other fires up to 5’ in diameter to be extinguished.

6              The caster’s tongue becomes forked, causing the caster’s words to become sibilant.  If this result is rolled a second time, the caster’s tongue regularly darts out of their mouth, tasting the air (and giving the caster a +2 on all observation skill checks such as searching, tracking, or the like).  If this result is rolled a third time, the caster can only speak Seppalo, the language of Serpents from this point forward.


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