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DCC Bestiary - Bronze Golem


So, let’s take on the bronze golem!  Strangely, the Expert Box Set for D&D lists some odd golems and not the usual suspects (wood, bone, amber, and bronze). 

Needless to say, the Bronze Golem as written is waaaay too powerful for most adventurers (AC 0, 20 HD, 3d10 attack damage, and immune to non-magical weapons!).  So instead, I used the stats for an animated iron statue with the Breathe Life spell, but adjusted it for softer material -- I gave it slightly less hit dice, a touch lower armor class and melee damage, but built back in the Expert D&D bronze golem’s abilities of ‘liquid fire’ inside it.  I made the description much like a clockwork or furnace-like creature, gave it an occasional ‘breath weapon’ attack, and kept the ability for it to damage back those who hurt it.

Thoughts on the Bronze Golem?  Drop me a note at archadethered@gmail.com 


Bronze Golem

     An animated suit of armor, often with steam, bellow doors, or even a chimney exuding the heat that powers it.  Created by wizards with the spell Breathe Life and mastery of fire magic, these guardians are used to protect casters, their wizard towers, or guard crypts.  Like other golems, they can be commanded to respond to certain circumstances (such as attacking intruders, or those that harm its creator), and are nigh unstoppable. If woken from a long slumber, it can take 1d6 rounds before the forge fires within become hot enough to cause harm.

     Bronze Golem: Init -2, Atk bronze fist +6 melee (1d8+4); AC 13; HD 8d8+16 (52 hp); MV 20’; Act 1d20; SP furnace fire blast, fire within, resistant to non-magical weapons; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5; AL N.
     A bronze golem can be created with the 3rd level Wizard spell Breathe Life (with a cost of creation being 30,000 gp, a month’s construction, and a week’s casting requiring a 36+ spell check result and knowledge of the flaming hands spell).
     Each round, there is a 10% chance the golem will open it’s furnace doors, and gout forth fire and burning coals rather than striking with its fists – if this occurs, the nearest creature is struck with 3d10 fire damage (DC 14 Reflex save for half).
     The bronze golem only takes half damage from non-magical weapons, and any weapon that inflicts damage may in turn harm the caster with its rent form exuding steam, fire, or red-hot coals – roll a DC 10 Reflex save, with failure harming the attacker for 1d10 fire damage.  Further if the golem is grasped, grappled, or otherwise touched, it will inflict 1d10 fire damage.

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