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Training Tables - Skullduggery

So I did a blog some time ago about training, and it wasn’t horrible, but my players are seeking to use this as a downtime activity for a week here or there (while the Wizard recovers from Spellburn, or the paladin earns off his disfavour, or the Thief recovers their Luck), and my original table was too short – a lucky roll or the use of Halfling Luck really could influence the results.
  Through play, I realized one generic training table doesn’t fit all, and the range of my original table was insufficient.  Some DCC Judges would downplay or phase out the idea of training in the DCC world, but I think it gives an opportunity for story hooks, meet and interact with powerful NPCs, or the chance for players to make incremental improvements to their character, so they feel they have something unique, and really it’s not more powerful or unbalancing than the weakest birth augur roll for a PC with a Luck of 13+, and also an excellent way to part money from PCs.

o I’ve decided to break training up into five tables – Martial Training, Skullduggery, Scholarly Pursuits, Religious Pursuits, and Practicing Your Profession.  I’ve also adjusted the table to account for a range of times for training from a week to more than one month, using a sliding die range.  Also by imposing a rule that the trainer must be higher level than the PCs, it becomes harder to use this downtime activity the more powerful the PCs get.

This table, the Skullduggery table, isn't as expensive as martial training, allowing any class down on their luck to pick up some coin -- or get arrested or assassinated.  Use at your own risk.  G
ot ideas or suggestions?  Drop me a line at archadethered@gmail.com.


If a character wishes to peruse the back alleys and dark taverns during down time, they may do so if a they are in a settlement with at least a population of 2,000.  

 is an option with the following time and cost commitments:

               1 day / no cost = 2d6 on the table below
               1 week / no cost = roll 1d12 
               2 weeks / 5 gp = roll 1d14
               3 weeks / 10 gp = roll 1d16
               4 weeks / 20 gp = roll 1d20
               2 months / 40 gp = roll 1d24
               4 months / 80 gp = roll 1d30 



0 or less

Blood Will Flow! A poor choice of words and being in the wrong place means you are on the wrong side of a blade in single combat.  Roll 1d6: (1) A hired assassin tries to kill you at night (roll DC 15 Luck check or suffer a surprise attack), (2) Your words offended a Tarnlander Berserker who attacks you in a taverm (3) The guard wants you dead, fight 1d6 Men-At-Arms in the market place, (4) a spurned lover would rather die than live without you, fight a Fortune Teller behind the local inn, (5) local toughs are going to show what happens to those who enter their boss' territory, fight 1d4 bandits in an alley.


Locked Up!: The local watch or guard has caught you in suspicious circumstances, and you are dragged in front of a magistrate and imprisoned.  For your incarceration, roll 1d5 (if you can make a DC 10 Personality check, you can roll 1d4 instead, a DC 15 Personality Check roll 1d3): (1) Imprisoned overnight, (2) Imprisoned 1d3 days, (3) Imprisoned 1d10 days, (4) Imprisoned 1d3 x 1d10 days, (5) Imprisoned and forgotten, a bribe of 100 gp is needed to 'find' the miplaced prisoner.


Fined: A minor transgression with authorities have resulted in a fine levied against you.  Roll 1d5: (1) Pay a fine of 5 sp, (2) Pay a fine of 5 gp, (3) Pay a fine of 10 gp, (4) Pay a fine of 50 gp, (5) Pay a fine of 100 gp.  If you cannot pay the fine, you are locked up (see Result 1 above)


Hot On Your Tail: That didn't go well, you are being chased by some people wishing violence upon you.  Make an DC 14 AGL check, and if you fail you suffer 1d4 hit points damage.


Epicly Hung Over: You shouldn't have drank that last drink (or four), and now you are suffering.  Suffer a -1d penalty to all checks for the next 1d6 days.


At The Wrong End Of A Blade: There's no avoiding it, someone thinks you owe a bribe, guild fee, drinking tab, or fine, and there will be hell to pay if you don't pay it.  Either lose 6d6 sp or suffer 1d4 hit points damage as they make an example of you.


Watch Out: You have a close call with your skulking.  It could be a fall from a window, an angry bar patron, some food from a street vendor that wasn't fit for consumption.  Make a Luck check and if you fail, take 1d3 hit points damage.


An Unexpected Occurrence: Your exploits are derailed by distracting circumstances, gain 2d6 gp and also roll on the Carousing Table with the same die your rolled for Training.


Welcome to the Club: You have an opportunity to join a guild, association, or fraternity of the Judge's choosing -- they will ask you to impress them with some sort of DC 13 Ability check, and if successful you are welcomed as an initiate, apprentice, or aspirant.  If you already belong to the guild, you can ask them a minor favor (a rumor, a spare dagger, the name of a key person in the city, etc).


The Runestones Look Promising: You have your fortune told in a seedy side-alley or by a wandering stranger.  Make a Luck check, and if successful, gain a one-time 1d3 you can use to assist on any saving throw, attack roll, skill check, roll the body.  Once used, whether successful or not, the bonus die is lost.


I've Got Something To Share: Learn a bawdy song, foul joke, a rumor about a guard's sister's cousin, or a secret password that you can use once to gain +1d3 to any social situation within the next week.


That Was A Close Call: Something went wrong, and could have gone very poorly, but you have a chance to dodge the watch, not be noticed by a bounty hunter, or avoid a spurned romantic partner. Make a Luck check to gain +1 XP


A Windfall: You manage to have a run-away gambling session, and fortune smiles upon you!  Gain +6d12 gp and make a Luck check to gain +1 Luck


You Have Picked Up A Stray: Someone has joined your gang, gain 0-level henchman (Roll 1d12 for background: (1) confidence artist, (2) cutpurse, (3) fortune teller (4) gambler (5) guild beggar, (6) halfling vagrant, (7) mercenary, (8) minstrel, (9) orphan, (10) outlaw, (11) smuggler, (12) urchin).  They will make Morale checks as any normal henchman.


Tricks of the Trade: You've learned some basic skills, either gain a d20 check as if you are skilled with one of the following, or an additonal +1 if you already had the skill or background: Roll 1d10: (1) Sneak Silently, (2) Climb Sheer Surfaces, (3) Hide in Shadows, (4) Pick Pocket, (5) Disguise Self, (6) Handle Poison, (7) Pick Lock, (8) Find Traps, (9) Disable Traps, (10) Forge Document


A Chance Find in the Market: A peddler is selling discounted items out of their cart, just don't ask where they got them.  You may purchase one of the following if you can afford it: Blackjack (3 sp), Dagger (2 sp), Shortsword (1 gp), Padded Armor (5 sp), Leather Armor (2 gp), Crowbar (5 sp), Grappling Hook (5 sp), Thieves' Tools (10 gp), one dose of adder poison (20 gp, see Appendix P), a forged document showing you are a minor town official (20 gp).


You Are A Little More Street Wise:  Gain +1 XP


The Right Palms Are Greased: You have bribed the right people, spend an additional 20 gp to gain +2 on PER checks with one important person in town for next 2d6 days


The Path Lies Before You: Roll twice on the Skullduggery table and choose one result you prefer.


You Found Someone Interested: A local fence is willing to buy up to 200 gp worth of goods, no questions asked, at half value.


Fortune Favours The Bold:  You have managed to gain a decent score or profit from a scheme.  Gain 1d6 x 1d20 gp and also gain +1 Luck


It's Just A Scratch: You were grievously wounded in a heist or caper, and pushed through.  Take 1d8 damage, and if you survive, gain +1 to your HP total permanently.


The Big Haul!  You have an opportunity to pilfer a great deal of wealth.  Make 1d3 DC 20 Agility, Strength or Personality checks, and for each success roll 1d12 to determine your ill-gotten gains: (1) a purse with 1d100 gp, (2) A platinum and ruby bracelet worth 1d6 x 100 gp, (3) a scroll of a 1st-level wizard spell, (4) an iron-bound coffer with 1d4 x 100 pp, (5) a diamond as big as your fist worth 3d6 x 100 gp, (6) a wizard's staff (spell roll result 22), (7) a sacred mithril holy symbol worth 1d8 x 100 gp, (8) the captain of the guard's badge of office, (9) a finely crafted longsword (that does 1d10 damage), (10) a merchant's promisory note worth 2d6 x 100 gp if taken to a far-away city to redeem, (11) a jade idol of Bobugbubilz worth 200 gp that is most almost certainly not cursed, (12) a magic item of the Judge's choosing


You Learn The Ropes:  A master thief, merchant lord, mysterious fortune teller, or drunken noble take an interest in you and share what they know.  Gain +1d3 XP


Like A Living Shadow:  Your constant prowling of the rooftops and skulking in the alleys have made you nimble and cautious.  Roll a d16 and if you roll above your current AGL gain +1 to that attribute.


You Have Met A True Master!  If you are willing to part with 500 gp, and spend an additional two weeks training, you may learn something valuable.  Choose from the following:  Roll a d20 and if you roll above your AGL gain +1 Initiative, Roll a d20 and if you roll above your STA gain +1 to save vs poison, Roll a d20 and if you roll above your STR gain +1d on your Critical Hit Table die rolls, Roll a d20 and if you roll above your PER gain +2 to all Morale checks by followers and henchmen.


It's Honest Work … For Someone Else: You have bought a share of a local tavern, blackmailed a rival guild, arranged tribute from a rival gang, or have a turncoat official siphoning city taxes to you, you gain 4d6 gp every month if you are in town to collect it.  If you ever roll four 1's, the funds run dry.


A Fearsome Reputation: You not only have pulled off a great scheme or heist, the people in the back corners of taverns and in alleys and market stalls will be speaking of this grand scheme for years. Gain 2d6 x 100 gp and a permanent +2 to all social interaction checks in this town or city indefinitely.


Riches And Wealth!  Gain 4d6 x 100 gp, but every time you roll a 6, roll it again and add that to the result.

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