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DCC Death's Door Effects

So, we've had some close calls with our group's characters -- a number have hit 0 hit points, and I think taking a point of Stamina permanently every time they get knocked down is slightly harsh, and too repetitive -- I believe it's time for a random table!

So here's what we are using in our game, feel free to borrow, adapt, or ignore as your group sees fit ...

Dying Characters

A 0-level character reduced to 0 hit points is dead, but a heroic character of 1st level or more may bleed out for a number of rounds equal to their level before expiring.  If revived through healing, the fallen character can attempt a DC 15 Fortitude save -- if they succeed, they suffer no adverse long-term effects, but if failed, suffer one of the following impairments (roll 1d8):

1- A memorable and vicious scar, suffer -1 to all social skill checks from now on (or perhaps a +1 to any checks involving intimidation, fear, or anything involving a bloodthirsty reputation).

2 - Suffer 1d3 broken bones, with the following effects depending on the injured location until repaired through Lay On Hands (or 6d20 days of natural healing): (1) Leg (-5' movement), (2) Shield arm (can't wield a shield or a two handed weapon), (3) Weapon Arm (can't wield a weapon), (4) Ribs (-1d to all checks).

3 - Rattled, concussed, and exhausted, suffer -1d to all checks for the next 3d10 days

4 - Something isn't right, movement is -5' for the next 3d10 days.

5 - The strain of a near death experience, the character loses 1 point of STA permanently.

6 - Something didn't heal right, the character loses 1 point of AGL permanently.

7 - Maybe a muscle was torn, the character loses 1 point of STR permanently.

8 - What a harrowing experience, the character loses 1d6 points of temporary STR, AGL and STA -- these will heal as normal (1 point per day each).

Recovering The Body

Even if a mighty character of 1st level or higher has expired, there's always a chance to recover the body, and if that character makes a Luck check by rolling under their current luck, they may still live, however at the very least they are groggy for the next hour (-4 penalty to all checks), and has some sort of ongoing impairment, as rolled below:

1 - That wound will never completely heal, the character loses 1 point of STA permanantly.

2 - You aren't what you once were, the character loses 1 point of AGL permanently.

3 - There's a tremor in your hand now, the character loses 1 point of STR permanently.

4 - Your pallor is a bit paler, the character loses 1 hit point permanently.

5 - You've got a bit of a limp, the character loses 5' of movement permanently.

6 - It will take a while to recover from this horrible ordeal, the character suffers a -1d penalty to all checks for the next 3d30 days.

7 - You gain a  grievous and disfiguring scar, -1d to all social skills from now on
(or perhaps a +1d to any checks involving intimidation, fear, or a bloodthirsty reputation)

8 - That was quite a blow to the head, you've suffered memory loss, the character can't remember the last (Roll 1d6): (1) 1d3 hours, (2) 1d4 days, (3) 1d5 weeks, (4) complete amnesia.

9 - You had a glimpse of what lies beyond the veil, and it was not pleasant!  Suffer a phobia related to what nearly killed the character, and in future the character must make a DC 15 Will save if exposed to that thing/situation or be shaken until removed from that danger (-1d to all checks).

10 - By all rights, you should be dead.  Your god/patron/some supernatural figure has sent you back across the threshhold of death, and now they want you to do something for them ...

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