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Rogues' Gallery - The Boon Brothers

Last week in our Road Crew game, our stalwart heroes returned to Fengate to resume exploration of the Blackcandle Barrows -- except spring had arrived, along with several rival adventuring troupes! 

I've placed Barrowmaze in my DCC sandbox game, and the PCs are just scratching the surface so far -- maybe 8 mounds and 30 rooms explored, reaching 3rd or 4th level.  The Barrowmaze book includes examples of rival parties, which I am using as inspiration, but I have adapted, twisted and changed them to fit my campaign world, and what has happened before.

So below, I have listed one example rival party along with all the NPC statblocks for your enjoyment and use -- I've also included these stats in my evolving DCC Barrowmaze conversion document -- along with a 'Rival Adventuring Party Activity' set of charts to assist you in what these NPCs might do when the PCs aren't interacting with them.

The Barrowmaze conversion blog and Google doc can be found here.

Got some interesting ideas for rival parties?  Drop me a note at archadethered@gmail.com and I will happily have them cross paths with my Road Crew PCs...

The Boon Brothers

A cautious adventuring troupe from Anzagort led by a wealthy and well-connected half-elf by the name of Hewgon Halfmage, and his brother Brusten Halfguard.  They solely employ a stout dwarf woman and a fresh crew of well-equipped hirelings from Anzagort each spring who are very well paid (morale checks at +2 for pay, +4 for Hewgon), and can recruit a further 1d3 hirelings every month if needed.  Hewgon has contacts in the Ironstaff Wizard Guild and the Green Tower and seeks wealth and magical knowledge. They are overall kind and charitable, but do not suffer fools or leave themselves open to being taken advantage of. 

     Hewgon Halfmage (3rd level male Half-Elf): Init +1; Atk staff +1 melee (1d4); AC 12; HD 1d4+3d8 (17 hp); MV 30’; Act 1d20; Str 8, Agl 13, Sta 15, Int 17, Per 8, Luc 9; SP spells (caster check +5 – charm person, comprehend languages, detect magic, ekim’s mystical mask, runic alphabet (mortal), sleep), darkvision 30’, versatility (1d12), +2 to save vs magical sleep and paralysis, +2 to detect secret doors; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3; AL L; Crit II/1d8.      Equipment: Staff (1d4), Greentower Robes, flint and steel, 2 vials of holy water, a potion of gaseous form, purse with 35 pp, 24 gp, 87 sp, and 3 pearls worth 25 gp each      Hewgon is a charming half-elf with many friends in Anzagort, and prefers non-combative solutions to any problem.  He is prepared to cast a permanent runic alphabet ward on any dungeon entrance before he explores it, taking a week to do so (1d20+5+2-4, 50 gp in materials).     Hewgon had previously sent his apprentice Finnian to Fengate to assist an adventuring troupe and discern what danger lies in the barrows, but he has not returned, concerning his master.

     Brusten Halfguard (2nd level male Half-Elf): Init +0; Atk polearm +2 melee (1d10+1) or longbow +1 ranged (1d6); AC 17; HD 1d4+2d8+3 (15 hp); MV 20’; Act 1d20; Str 14, Agl 9, Sta 15, Int 9, Per 8, Luc 9; SP spells (caster check +2 – choking cloud, spider climb), darkvision 30’, versatility (1d12), +2 to save vs magical sleep and paralysis, +2 to detect secret doors; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL L; Crit II/1d6.

     Equipment: Half-plate, polearm, longbow, 20 arrows, large sack, 50’ of rope, grappling hook, purse with 4 pp, 17 gp, 28 sp, potion of healing.

     Brusten is a dour half-elf who is very protective of his brother, preferring combat to spellcasting.      Tarvicke Coalfane (1st level Female Dwarf): Init +1, Atk longsword +1d3 melee (1d8+1d3) or shortbow +1d3+1 ranged (1d6+1d3); AC 17; HD 1d4+1d10+4 (13 hp); MV 15’; Act 1d20; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 8, Per 7, Luc 12; SP mighty deeds, sword and board, darkvision 60’, underground skills; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0; AL N; Crit III/1d10-1

     Equipment: enamelled red chainmail, shield, longsword, shortbow, 8 arrows, large sack with 6 days rations, purse with 37 gp, 12 sp, small hammer, 12 iron spikes.

     Tarvicke is a blustering female dwarf but utterly loyal and trusting of most people, which may get her into trouble with less savory sorts.  She is the first to run headfirst into danger.      4 x Well-Equipped Hirelings (0-level): Init +0; Atk handaxe +0 melee (1d6) or javelin +0 ranged (1d6); AC 16; HD 1d4 (3 hp); MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP –; SV Fort +0; Ref +0; Will +0; AL N; Crit I/1d4

     Equipment: chainmail, handaxe, shield, 1d4 torches, 1d4 javelins, small sack with 1d6 days rations, a purse with 5d12 gp each.

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