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DCC Spell - Reduce

Well, now the casters in our Road Crew game have discovered how to cast reversed spells, and at 3rd or 4th level, are willing to try it in a pinch, even with the -1d, so I'd best try to stay ahead of them ...

May I present the Reduce spell that I'll be using in my game ...


Level:                      1                                                              Range:                     Touch     
Duration:                1 turn per caster level                            Casting Time:          1 round
ave:                       Fortitude vs spell check

General:  By touching a creature or object, or targeting themselves, the caster causes the target to shrink in size. In this manner, ropes can become shorter, doors thinner, objects lighter and smaller, and so on. Magical objects so reduced retain their original magical potency; e.g., a +1 sword might be considered a +1 dagger. This spell is the reverse of the 1st level spell Enlarge. Multiple castings of this spell do not stack, though Reduce may be used to cancel enlarge.  Unwilling targets are permitted a Fortitude save to avoid the effects.

Manifestation: Roll 1d4: (1) target visibly reduces; (2) target sloughs off excess skin and bone in a reddish-grey morass, emerging from the slurry that was once their body; (3) the subject is set on fire in a flash, burning away most of their mass in an oily smoke, remaining as a small charred remnant of themselves; (4) the subject passes through a distorted cracked mirror, emerging on the other side much smaller than before.

Corruption: Roll 1d16: (1-6) one part of caster’s body is permanently enlarged by (1d3+1) x  10% as follows: (1) head, (2) ears, (3) nose, (4) hands, (5) legs, (6) feet; (7-10) one part of caster’s body is permanently enlarged to half normal size as follows: (7) eyes, (8) mouth (-1 Per), (9) arms (-1 Agl), (10) legs (-1 Agl); (11) hairless: caster’s body hair shrinks to a size undetectable for 1d4 days, making them appear completely bald; (12) caster permanently reduces in size by 2d6” and weight by 1d6 x 10 lbs., and their Agility increases by +1, but their equipment does not reduce with them; (13) caster’s mouth shrinks by 50%, making eating a great challenge and inflicting a -1 Personality penalty; (14) minor corruption; (15) major corruption; (16) greater corruption.

Misfire:   Roll 1d4: (1) nearest enemy is reduce rather than ally by 25%, conferring a +1 bonus to AC and a -1 to melee damage (if no nearby enemy, ignore result); (2) all enemies within 50’ are halved in size, receiving a +2 bonus to AC and a -1d to melee damage; (3) target is enlarged instead of enlarged, increasing in size by 25% and conferring a +1 bonus to attacks, damage, and AC; (4) everything non-living within 100’, including objects, buildings, and other such things, are enlarged to giant-scale; i.e., a chair is now 15’ tall, a sword is unliftable, steps on a staircase are 3’ high, and so on; to those in the area affected it appears the world around them has just increased in size exponentially; affected objects are restored to normal size in 1 day.

Mercurial Magic:





1              Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-2) corruption; (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (4+) misfire.

2-11         Lost, failure

12-13       The target shrinks in size and mass by 10%. It becomes visibly smaller, but not enough to confer statistical bonuses. Depending on the situation, this may be enough to squeeze through a narrow passage or between some bars in a portcullis, or otherwise pass some barrier. Armor and equipment worn by the target are similarly reduced.

14-17       The target reduces in size by 25%, conferring a +1 bonus to AC, and a -1 to melee or missile damage due to their reduced stature.

18-19       The target reduces in size by 50%, conferring a +2 bonus to AC, and -5’ movement and a -1d to melee or missile damage due to their reduced stature.

20-23       The target is reduced to 25% of their original size. A normal man becomes toddler-sized with this result, receiving a +4 bonus to AC, -10’ movement, and -2d to melee or missile damage. In addition, the target receives a +4 to sneaking or hiding checks due to their stature.

24-27       The target is reduced to 10% of original size. A normal man becomes rat-sized with this result, receiving a +6 bonus to AC, -20’ movement, and -3d to melee or missile damage due to their diminutive form. In addition, the target receives a +8 to sneaking or hiding checks.

28-29       The caster is able to select up to 1d3+CL targets, which all are reduced to 25% of their original size.  Each receives a +4 bonus to AC, -10’ movement, and -2d to melee or missile damage. In addition, the targets receive a +4 to sneaking or hiding checks.

30-31       The caster is able to select up to 1d3+CL targets, which all are reduced to 10% of their original size. Each receives a +6 bonus to AC, -20’ movement, and -3d to melee damage due to their size. In addition, the targets receive +8 to sneaking or hiding checks due to their stature.

32+          The caster transforms himself or one target into a gnat-sized version of themselves. The target now has a +10 AC, but -25’ movement and cannot make any appreciable attack via melee or missile weapon against a normal creature.  Against something the same size as the target, they can cause a mere 1 point of damage.  The target gains a +12 to sneaking or hiding checks, and can pass through any barrier.  If cast on themselves, the caster may choose to end the spell’s duration at any point.

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