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Training Tables (Martial Pursuits)

So I did a blog some time ago about training, and it wasn’t horrible, but my players are seeking to use this as a downtime activity for a week here or there (while the Wizard recovers from Spellburn, or the paladin earns off his disfavour, or the Thief recovers their Luck), and my original table was too short – a lucky roll or the use of Halfling Luck really could influence the results.  Through play, I realized one generic training table doesn’t fit all, and the range of my original table was insufficient.  Some DCC Judges would downplay or phase out the idea of training in the DCC world, but I think it gives an opportunity for story hooks, meet and interact with powerful NPCs, or the chance for players to make incremental improvements to their character, so they feel they have something unique, and really it’s not more powerful or unbalancing than the weakest birth augur roll for a PC with a Luck of 13+, and also an excellent way to part money from PCs.

So I’ve decided to break training up into five tables – Martial Training, Skullduggery, Scholarly Pursuits, Religious Pursuits, and Practicing Your Profession.
  I’ve also adjusted the table to account for a range of times for training from a week to more than one month, using a sliding die range.  Also by imposing a rule that the trainer must be higher level than the PCs, it becomes harder to use this downtime activity the more powerful the PCs get.

Let me know what you think, I’ll be posting the others as soon as I’m inspired to fill 30+ result slots – got ideas or suggestions?  Drop me a line at archadethered@gmail.com.

Martial Pursuits

If a character wishes to pursue training during down time, they may do so if a martial character (Warrior, Elf, Dwarf) is available and is of higher level than the PC.  Remember that a 1st level character is 2 in 100, a 2nd level character is 1 in 100, a 3rd level character is 1 in 1,000 and as further detailed in the DCC Core Rulebook.  A small town, unless the Judge rules otherwise, is very unlikely to have a 4th level mentor, let alone one willing to train someone.  If the PC already has a known friendly patron or master you may seek them out for half the cost.

raining is available with the following time and cost commitments:

               1 week / 25 gp = roll 1d12 on the table below
               2 weeks / 50 gp = roll 1d14
               3 weeks / 100 gp = roll 1d16
               4 weeks / 200 gp = roll 1d20
               2 months / 400 gp = roll 1d24
               4 months / 800 gp = roll 1d30 


Martial Training

0 or less

Embarrasment of Epic Proportions: You have failed to impress your master or patron, or had an exchange of sharp words, and they end your training, telling their colleagues and friends of your obtuseness.  You gain no training, and you suffer a -2 to future training checks or any social skill checks in this kingdom or city for the next 4d20 days.


Your Master Is Displeased: Your master is disappointed and feels you have wasted their time.  This master will not train you again, and you suffer a -2 to future training checks in this kingdom or city for the next 3d6 days.


You Have Spoken Poorly: Maybe you bragged your master is better than any other warrior in town, maybe you have offended a fellow student.  Maybe you made untoward advances on a member of your master’s family – regardless, you now have to fight a duel! 
     Your opponent is (roll 1d4): (1) a fellow student, use man-at-arms DCC p434; (3) a town official, use noble, DCC p.434; (4) your master, use a knight, DCC p433; (4) an enemy of your master, use the assassin, DCC p433.  Have the characters fight using subdual damage (except for the asssassin who will happily kill their opponent), and regardless of the duel gain 1d2 XP.


You Pulled Something: A cramped muscle, a pinched nerve, an extra hard bash to your noggin, make a DC 12 Fortitude save or apply a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls for the next 1d6 days.


That Wasn’t Supposed To Happen: There was a training accident, and a blade slipped or you blocked when you should have dodged.  Suffer 1d3 hp damage.


You Need Sturdier Equipment: All the training you did had a toll on your armor or weapon (determine randomly).  Something is slightly broken, and until 1d6 x 1d6 gp of repairs are made, your armor’s AC protection is 1 less, or your weapon suffers a -1 penalty to attack or damage.  Repairs will take 1d6 days, or you can simply discard the bent or dinged equipment.


You Know What You Already Knew: Your master goes over the basics, but you already knew what they are trying to teach, no skills are gained.


An Unexpected Occurrence: Your training is derailed by distracting circumstances, roll on the Carousing Table with the same die your rolled for Training.


Good Reputation By Association: Your master is well known in this city or kingdom, and you are known as their pupil, sharing their reputation.  Gain +1d on social checks with your master’s allies, and -1d on social checks with their enemies, for the next 1d6 weeks.


Gain A Sparring Partner: A fellow student and yourself strike up a friendship while training, and they are interested in your exploits.  Roll 1d4 for your new friend’s background: (1) caravan guard, (2) mercenary, (3) soldier, (4) squire.  They are a friendly contact, and are willing to be hired as a henchmen, gaining a further +2 to their Morale checks.


Fortune Favours The Bold: You have a brief opportunity to impress your master – do you take the chance?  Make a Luck check – if successful, gain +1 XP.  Otherwise, your master is unimpressed and does not teach you anything significant.


Connections In The Marital Community: Either your master, your fellow students, the captain of the guard, or some other martial personage witnesses your training and has nothing but good things to say.  You gain a +2 modifier for training or any social skill check to influence a member of the martial community in this city or kingdom for the next 1d6 weeks.


An Inspired Maneuver: Your mentor teaches you a brilliant move with your weapon or some fancy footwork.  You don’t completely grasp it, but It’s very effective.  Gain a +1d3 to any attack, damage, or other martial maneuver, that can be used once and expended within the next week – and then it’s forgotten.


This Gear Will Never Do: Your master thinks your sword is dull, or your cuirass is dented, and takes you to their favourite armorer to have you better equipped.  You can buy any armor or weapon at a 10% discount, and also available is one well-crafted item at triple normal cost – well crafted weapons do +1d damage, and well-crafted armor suffers -1 less armor check penalty and -1d to fumble checks.


Is That How You Wield That?  Your mentor teaches you how to use a previously unknown weapon, gain a random weapon proficiency by rolling 1dX: (1) battleaxe, (2) club, (3) crossbow, (4) dagger, (5) dart, (6) flail, (7) handaxe, (8) javelin, (9) lance, (10) longbow, (11) longword, (12) mace, (13) polearm, (14) shortbow, (15) shortsword, (16) spear, (17) staff, (18) two-handed sword, (19) warhammer, (20) GM’s choice.  If you are already proficient in that weapon, gain an inspired maneuver with it (as the 12 result above).


Your Mentor Has a Gift For You: Your mentor is pleased, and rewards you with a well-crafted weapon you are proficient in (+1d damage, worth triple normal costs).


Learning A New Style: Your mentor focuses on hand to hand combat, and as a result you gain a +1 to attack rolls with one of the following skills, rolling 1d6: (1) all grappling checks, (2) subdual damage attacks, (3) mounted combat, (4) two-weapon fighting, (5) two-handed weapon fighting, (6) all charge attacks.


So, What Would You Like To Learn?  Gain a weapon proficiency of your choice.  If you are proficient in all weapons, gain an Inspired Maneuver (as result 12 above).


Training Went Well!  Gain +1 XP


Grueling Training Regime: You are put through your paces, and while sore and worn out, are far more resilient.  Make a DC 14 Fortitude save, and if successful gain 1 hp.


Physical Labour and Great Feats: Your mentor works on your physical prowess.  Roll a d14, and choose either STR or STA – if you roll above your current attribute score, gain +1 to that attribute.


Parry and Riposte!  You work on your two weapon fighting, and it becomes more natural.  Treat your AGL as 2 points higher for two weapon fighting penalties.


Your Training Takes You Odd Places: As part of your training, you learn some important skills, roll 1d10 and gain the following additional occupation and background skills: (1) Armorer, (2) Caravan Guard, (3) Healer, (4) Mercenary, (5) Ostler, (6) Soldier, (7) Tax Collector, (8) Mariner, (9) Stonemason, (10) Animal Trainer.  If you already have that background, re-roll.


Versatile and Deadly: You gain the ability to roll on a second critical hit table, either one up or down from your current table, with your normal die assigned for criticals.  When you land a critical hit, choose which table you will roll on.


A Prize For A Star Pupil: Your mentor is greatly pleased with your progress, and awards you with a token to show your worthiness.  Roll 1d6: (1) a mithril longsword, (2) a well-crafted shield with your mentor’s sigil or heraldry, (3) a writ of introduction to a great warrior in the City-State of Anzagort such as Manx the Mighty or the Captain of the Firedrake Guard, (4) a potion of healing, (5) a potion of heroism, (6) a gold brooch worth 100 gp


You Have Become A Living Weapon: Your mentor has trained you mercilessly.  Roll a d16, and choose either STR, AGL or STA – if you roll above your current attribute score, gain +1 to that attribute.


Much Better Than You Were: Gain 1d3 XP


Fast Like Lightning: Gain +1 to Initiative rolls


Truly A Natural Student: Roll on this table twice, and pick one result you would like.


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