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DCC Spell - Ool's Broiling Exhalation


So, in my puttering, I thought I’d start converting some of the Barrowmaze spells over to DCC.  Recently my players were complaining that Flaming Hands in the DCC core rulebook doesn’t have the area effect they were hoping for, unless a crazy high roll is made.  So, I’m giving them a slightly different option … interestingly enough, the lore attached to this OSR spell is Lol wanted a variant of Burning Hands ...


Ool's Broiling Exhalation

Level: 2

Range: 30’ cone

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting time: 1 action

Save: Reflex save vs. spell check DC


General: The caster exhales a blast of heated air, smoke, and potentially fire, scorching everything in a cone-shaped area in front of them.


Manifestation Roll 1d4: (1) The caster's eyes and mouth emit intense flames; (2) The caster's skin becomes bright red and black smoke emanates from their entire body; (3) The caster emits a roar like a blazing furnace as they exhale heat and smoke; (4) Objects under the caster’s gaze spontaneously smolder and ignite, as the ambient temperature rises at an alarming rate.


Corruption Roll 1d6: (1) The caster's voice becomes hoarse and whispery, reducing their Charisma by 1 point permanently; (2-3) The caster's lungs are damaged, causing 2d4 damage to the caster; (4) The caster becomes more susceptible to heat, causing them to be vulnerable to heat and fire damage for the next 1d4 days; (5) Minor Corruption; (6) Major Corruption.


Misfire Roll 1d4: (1) The caster becomes the target of the spell instead; (2-3) The spell is cast, but the caster also takes 1d6 damage from the superheated air; (4) The caster is exhausted and can take no actions for 1d4 rounds.


1 Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-3) corruption; (4) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (5+) misfire.


2-11 Lost. Failure.


12-13 Failure, but spell is not lost.


14-15 The caster exhales a cone of superheated air, harming all living creatures in a 30-foot cone for 1d4 damage, with targets that make a Reflex save for half damage.


16-19 The caster exhales a cone of superheated air and smoke, broiling all living creatures in a 30-foot cone for 1d4 + CL damage, with targets that make a Reflex save for half damage.  The smoke remains in the area obscuring all targets in combat for 1d4 rounds (-2 to all melee and missile attacks).


20-21 The caster exhales a cone of superheated air and smoke, as 16-19 but doing 2d4 + CL damage, with targets that make a Reflex save for half damage.  The smoke remains in the area, obscuring all targets in combat for 1d6 rounds (-2 to all melee and missile attacks).


22-25 The caster exhales a cone of superheated air, smoke, and also breathes fire, harming all creatures in a 30-foot cone for 2d4 + CL damage, with targets that make a Reflex save taking half damage. Plants and plant-creatures take double damage  Smoke remains in the area, obscuring all targets in combat for 1d8 rounds (-2 to all melee and missile attacks).


26-29 The caster exhales a cone of superheated air, smoke and fire, burning all creatures in a 30-foot cone for 3d4 + CL damage, with targets making a Reflex save taking half damage.  Smoke remains in the area, obscuring all targets in combat for 1d10 rounds (-2 to all melee and missile attacks). Further, all living creatures must make a Fortitude save or struggle to breathe, reducing their actions by -1d as long as the smoke remains.


30-31 The caster exhales a cone of superheated air, smoke and fire, burning all creatures in a 30-foot cone for 3d4 + CL damage, with targets making a Reflex save taking half damage.  Smoke remains in the area, obscuring all targets in combat for 1d12 rounds (-2 to all melee and missile attacks). All highly flammable objects in the cone (scrolls, books, etc) have a 25% chance of catching fire. Furthermore , all living creatures must make a Fortitude save or struggle to breathe, reducing their actions by -1d as long as the smoke remains.


32+ The caster exhales a cone of superheated air, smoke and fire, burning all creatures in a 30-foot cone for 4d6 + CL damage, with targets making a Reflex save taking half damage.  Smoke remains in the area, obscuring all targets in combat for 1d12 + CL rounds (-2 to all melee and missile attacks). All highly flammable objects in the cone (scrolls, books, etc) have a 50% chance of catching fire. Furthermore , all living creatures must make a Fortitude save or struggle to breathe, reducing their actions by -1d as long as the smoke remains.

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