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Mercurial Magic - Elf Magic

In the DCC core rulebook, it talks about different schools of magic using different Mercurial Magic tables.  It makes me think about how elves should be different from Wizards, and where they get their magic from in my campaign.  It makes me think that much like the Melnibonians of the Eternal Champion series, the elves have spells like Patron Bond because their magic isn't scavenged or discovered formulae, it's centuries of pacts and bargains with powers of this world and Elfland.  These bargains are with the elemental princes, the beast lords, the noble powers of Elfland, the Worldroot, and such.

So, the Elf class in my game has it's own Mercurial Magic chart, showing the signposts of Elfland and nature.  My elves aren't a doomed race but the last connection to Elfland, drawing magic to this world.

As with the standard Mercurial Magic chart, add +5%/-5% for every modifier point of the Elf's Luck score.



Adjustment To Spell Effect


You age every creature within 20’ by 1d4 x 1d4 years.


The Elf caster loses their voice until the next full moon.


Ancient bargains must be honoured – every time this spell is cast, there is a 1% cumulative chance a powerful entity demands service in exchange for the magic granted (roll 1d6: (1) Mirr the Worldroot, (2) Umwansh of the Waves, (3) Karkath the Fireduke, (4) Groem of the Earth, (5) Ithha Prince of the Elemental Wind, (6) The Knight In Green).  Refusal of this demand automatically causes the Elf caster to gain the appropriate patron taint.


The Elf caster becomes distant and distracted by the shape of a flower petal, the gentle rhythm of the rain, or some other part of the natural world.  Take 1d6 temporary Personality damage each time the spell is cast.


Fickle Magic!  Each time the Elf caster casts their spell, roll randomly on the Elf Mercurial Magic table for additional effects.


Blood Magic.  The Elf caster must dip their cap or garment into fresh blood in order to cast the spell, from a fresh wound of at least as many hp damage as the level of the spell.


Spell can only be cast at night, in moonlight.


Worms and grubs burst through the earth and writhe on the ground within 30’ of the Elf caster when the spell is cast.


All foliage within 100’ wilts and dies, and trees shed their leaves and their bark becomes mottled with age.


Caster is harmed by the touch of salt until the next sunrise, taking 1d4 damage from the touch of it on their skin.


The Elf caster must stand in water at least waist deep to cast the spell.


The Elf caster gains patron taint every time this spell is cast.


Each time the spell is cast, gold objects worth up to 10 gp per spell level become straw and worthless.


The Elf caster must imbibe alcohol during casting, causing them to become slightly besotted, causing all checks for the next hour to be at -1d.


After casting the spell, the Elf caster cannot tell a lie until next sunrise.


Time flows strangely, everyone within 30’ moves at -10’ speed, and uses -1d for Initiative checks and Reflex saves for 1d6 mnutes


The spell summons 1d8 ethereal songbirds of Elfland, that flutter about the Elf caster chirping incessantly, distracting then, suffering a -2 penalty to all saving throws until next sunrise.


After the spell is cast, the Elf caster starts speaking in nonsensical rhymes, unable to be understood or cast another spell for 1d12 rounds.


Ghostly elven maiden spirits flit about the caster, wailing about their untimely demise.  All must make a DC 10 Will save or flee for 1d6 rounds.  Creatures unable to flee suffer a -1d penalty to all rolls.


Toadstools erupt from the ground, growing to 2d6” in height, and tiny voices implore passers-by, impeding movement by 10’ for all within 30’ and creating a commotion.


The Elf caster’s appearance becomes mutable every time the spell is cast.  Roll 1d8: (1) nose extends 1d4”, (2) ears grow 1d2”, (3) eyes change hue, (4) tufts of golden downy fur appears or disappears all over their body, (5) nub like horns grow or retract on their forehead, (6) a bushy tail grows 1d3”, (7) arms grow 1d4” in length, (8) feet become hooves or revert to normal, (9) voice radically changes, (10) hair grows 1d6” and changes colour, (11) skin complexion radically changes, (12) Some other effect chosen by the GM.


All creatures within 30’ of the Elf caster gain sensitivity to iron as an Elf would, causing an immediate 1 hp of damage if wielding or wearing steel armor.


A pact with Groem requires a valued metal or precious stone object worth at least 10 gp per spell level be sacrificed by burying it in the earth to cast this spell.


All food within 200’ is transformed and becomes bland and tasteless.


Magic is reflected on the land nearby, and all plants within 100’ become verdant and grow wildly over the next 1d6 minutes.


A rush of wind accompanies the spell each time it is cast, originating from the caster and directed towards the target.  There is a 50% chance that torches may be extinguished.


The spell is affected by the proximity of Elfland.  Roll 1d4 and use this effect for the next 1d7 days: (1) The casting time of the spell is doubled, (2) the spell casts as normal, (3) the spell is cast with +2 to the result, (4) the spell duration is doubled.


The Elf caster becomes almost weightless, allowing them to walk on snow without leaving a trace ,or even walk on water for 1d6 minutes.  However, a strong breeze will carry them away.


The Elf caster gains the ability to breathe water, growing gills – unfortunately they lose the ability to breathe air.  This lasts for an hour.


After casting the spell, the Elf caster cannot cross a lintel or doorway of a home uninvited for 1d6 days.


The Elf caster sprouts antlers, growing 1d6” each time the spell is cast.  If the antlers exceed 12” the Elf gains a gore attack option that does 1d4 damage, if the antlers exceed 18”, they instead shed the antlers, causing their spell casting to potentially fail, giving their spell check a -2d.


The Elf caster’s shadow disappears to Elfland, and does not return until they next roll a natural 20 on any spell casting check.


All milk curdles within 100’ of the Elf caster.


The Elf casting the spell sprouts moss on their head, shoulders and hands, obscuring their vision and hampering their mobility, giving them a -1 penalty to all rolls until it is painfully scraped away, causing 1d4 hp damage.


The Elf casting the spell’s height changes by 1d8-4”


The Elf caster creates 1d6 floating witchlights of green fire that float about you, casting light up to 20’ away, and eliminating any possibility of stealth for 1d6 minutes.


The spell draws on the Worldroot – if the Elf caster is touching a tree, +1d to the spell check, otherwise -1d.


No change.  The spell manifests as standard.


Elfland’s shadow weighs on the Elf caster, and they become translucent for 1d6 rounds, granting them +2 to AC and stealth-related checks.


The Elf casting the spell becomes fleet of foot, as well as any other creature within 10’ – increase movement by +10’ until next sunrise.


All creatures within 10’ are infused with the bounty of life, regenerating 1 hp per round for 1d6 rounds as long as they remain within 10’ of the Elf caster.


All animals within 60’ are granted the power of speech for 1d6 minutes, speaking in Elven.


Fruit and nuts within 60’ of the caster becomes golden and enchanted with the bounty of the earth, allowing any creature that eats it a one time healing effect of 1d4 hp and 1d4 restoration of temporary damage to one ability, if consumed within an hour.  Picking or harvesting the fruit or nuts causes the magic to fade within a minute.


The Elf caster’s intonations of the spell are melodic and entrancing.  All creatures within 30’ of the caster must make a DC 10 Will save or lose their next action as they are enraptured.


Every time this spell is cast, a powerful rainstorm, thunderstorm, or blizzard appropriate to the season brews and affects the land within the next 1d6 hours.


The spell additionally manifests a swarm of 2d6 malicious sprites, whom the Elf caster can direct against a single target, flying 30’, causing an attack roll of +1 to hit and 1d4 damage.  Each sprite has 1 hp.  Any sprites remaining within 1d6 minutes vanish.


The Elf caster potentially charms all animals within 30’ – they must make a Will save equal to their spell check or fall under the caster’s control until the next sunrise – animals can only be given simple commands (go, stay, defend, come, etc).


The Elf caster sings an elven melody while casting the spell, and all intelligent creatures within 30’ must make a DC12 Will save or dance and cavort as long as the elf is willing to sing, giving them a -1d penalty to all actions.


When casting this spell, a burning crown hovers above the caster’s head, and their weapons take on a fiery nimbus for 1d6 rounds.  During that time, their melee attacks do an extra 1d6 fire damage.


Spells cast under moonlight have increased potency, all saves against the effects are made at -2.


If the Elf caster’s shadow is visible, it animates and assists the Elf caster for the next 1d6 rounds, acting on the same Initiative as an independent creature, rooted to the caster’s feet, and able to do anything the caster can do at -3d.  Any shadowy weapons or spells can affect the real world, and if harmed, the caster takes damage directly.


The Elf caster attracts the favour of a powerful patron in Elfland, who grants them luck.  The caster is granted a single 1d3 they may add to any die roll over the next hour.


The spell manifests bright rays of sunlight, which causes harm to any un-dead or demons within 30’, doing 2d6 damage.


A shimmering cloak made of frost and icicles forms about the caster, granting them +2 to AC for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level +1d6.


Sparks of lightning arc from the caster to one target of their choosing within 20’, causing 2d6 damage.


The caster creates waves of calmness and peace to radiate from them, causing all within 30’ to suffer -2 to make any attacks or attempt aggressive actions.


After casting, the Elf caster turns invisible until the end of their next round.


If the spell is cast in moonlight, the Elf caster is granted +2 to saving throws as long as they continue to be bathed in moonlight.


All flames within 30’ glow with otherworldly life, with capricious eyes and smiles visible within.  Any person approaching within 5’ of such a flame risk a playful slap of the fiery spirit (+2 melee attack, 1d4 damage) for the next 1d6+CL rounds


The breeze about the caster carries biting frost and ice crystals, doing 1d6 damage to everyone the caster desires within 30’ of them.


The caster transforms into a woodland creature (Roll 1d4: (1) A rabbit, AC 12,  Move 40’, (2) A songbird, AC 12, Move 10’, Fly 40’, (3) A squirrel, AC 12, Move 20’, Climb 20’ (4) An owl, AC 12, Move 10’, Fly 40’) until next sunrise.


Faeries burst forth from the caster, harassing 1d8 of the Elf caster’s foes within 60’, pulling hair, untying boot laces, biting noses and ears, and other such mischief before fading away.  These foes must make a DC 12 Reflex save or take 1d4 damage and miss their next action.


Any metal object the caster touches turns to Efland silver-steel for as long as they remain touching it, for the next hour.  Armor worn is -1 armor check penalties, weapons wielded strike enemies as if silver or magical, and elves can touch it without penalty or harm.


Caster gains resistance to damage from (roll 1d4: (1) cold, (2) fire, (3) lightning, (4) non-magical weapons) for 1 minute.


Enhanced eyesight allows the Elf caster to see invisible creatures or objects for the next minute.


The spell summons forth a Wolf of Elfland, which will keep pace beside the Elf caster and defend them against any attacker, remaining for up to  1d8 rounds.
     Wolfhound of Elfland:
Init +3, Atk bite +6 melee (1d6+2); AC 14; HD 2d6 (7 hp); MV 40’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3; AL N.

     Anyone in sight of a wolfhound may reroll a failed Luck check.


Every time this spell is cast successfully, the Elf caster gains +1 temporary Luck until the next sunrise.


The Elf caster gains enhanced elfsight, and also casts Detect Magic at the same time as casting this spell, with a 1d10+10+INT modifier.


Bargains have been made by the Elf caster’s ancestors, and they may choose a spell result one higher or lower than what they roll when casting, with the exception of a failure which always fails.


Ancient pacts will be honoured, and the Elf caster casts the spell at +1d.


The Elf caster has a powerful bond with ancient powers, and casts the spell at +2d.


Roll again twice, ignoring any result of 36-65


Roll again, but roll 2d10+60, modified by Luck.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this man. Used it for an elf in my campaign and he sacrificed himself with the result of 1 to age a long time enemy of theirs to death.
