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DCC Bestiary - Duergar

It’s been a while since I shared anything … and I came across a duergar in a 5E module, and wondered what my evil dwarves might look like.  Setting aside the 3E/5E version of the duergar, I went back to the Old English and Norse mythology, and found all sorts of great sources of folklore, and in those the duergar were more tricksters than brutes.

ere’s a great folktale from 1944 that is inspiring to my creatures: The Duergar (archive.org)

When writing them up, I didn’t want them to be just ‘evil dwarves’, so I made them nocturnal, gave them surprising strength, and a bit of illusory magic to trick wayward travellers.  I wanted enough uncertainty to keep players on their toes and make an encounter with a pack of duergar memorable (and full of tension).

Thoughts?  Feedback?  Stories of PCs drowned in a bog?  Drop me a note at archadethered@gmail.com


Duergar (Night Dwarves)

     Short, thin cousins to dwarves, the duergar are a lost branch that dwell in bogs, caves, and subterranean vaults.  They tend to have a mercurial temper and take pleasure in leading travelers astray or into danger, or kidnap children to be slaves to their clan, often casting glamours to trick and conceal.  They are ferociously strong for their size, able to break logs with their hands and grind stones to dust.  They wear drab colors and moleskin caps or hoods over leather or chain mail.
     In spite of their foul reputation, they are remarkable finesmiths known for their chains, chests, locks, and puzzles.
     Duergar can be encountered alone or in clutches of 2-12 – any group over 8 has a duergar chief, who invariably is a master smith, wielding a magical axe or hammer crafted by their own hand. 

     Duergar: Init +1; Atk handaxe +6 melee (1d6+4), AC 15 (chainmail); HD 3d10 (17 hp); MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP cannot abide light, cantrip spell (+4 caster check), darkvision 90’, smell fine metals; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1; AL C.
     Duergar eyes cannot abide bright light such as daylight or the equivalent and while exposed to it suffer a -4 penalty to any attack, save, spell or skill check.
     They can also smell and discern fine metals such as silver, gold, mithral or the like within 100’ similarly to dwarves.

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