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DCC Bestiary - Bugbear


Next up!  In preparation for my Greyhawk/Temple of Elemental Evil outing, I am looking at the parade of the usual rogues gallery of AD&D monsters -- and while this will be a more traditional adventure for one of my DCC groups, I still don't want boring 'bag of hit point' monsters for them to encounter.

Miriam-Webster's website talks about the origins of the word 'bugbear', and says:

Bugbear sounds like some kind of grotesque hybrid creature from fable or folklore, and that very well may be what the word's creator was trying to evoke. When the word entered English in the 16th century, it referred to any kind of creature made up to frighten someone; in 1592, Thomas Nashe wrote of "Meere bugge-beares to scare boyes." The word's first element refers not to the familiar creatures one encounters in the garden, but to a different bug entirely: since the 15th century, bug (from Middle English bugge, meaning "hobgoblin"—that is, a mischievous goblin) has referred to a ghost or goblin. The bear in bugbear is the one still feared today, and suggests what such made-up creatures were perhaps described as resembling.

So, what I need is a monster that's true to it's etymological origins to be bearlike and scary --  that works with the original bugbear stat block concepts from the AD&D monster manual, updated to DCC and added some small unique characteristics.

Here's my bugbear -- got any suggestions or requests?  Send me an email to archadethered@gmail.com. 

     A larger, more vicious cousin to the goblin, often found in their company, are large hirsute creatures with bear-like features, standing 6’ tall when not slouching.  If they are loping forward on all fours, and are not accoutered in clothing or armor they might be mistaken for a bear at night.
     Bugbears are nocturnal, travelling in small bands or individually lording over a goblin tribe.  They often scavenge arms and armor from slain humans where they can, or wear the hides of animals.  While aggressive and full of bluster, they are not overly brave, and prefer to prey on lone travelers or have the advantage of numbers before engaging in a fight.

     Bugbear: Init +1; Atk morningstar +3 melee (2d3+2) or claws (1d4+2); AC 15 (hide & shield); HD 3d8+3; hp 17; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP infravision 60’, scent of fear; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1; AL C.
     Bugbears have a heavy musk, that creates a sense of unease and fear.  If someone approaches within 5' of a bugbear, they must make a DC 10 Will save or be filled with a sense of dread (-1d to all checks) for 1 turn.  Once a save has been made, pass or fail, another one does note need to be made that day.

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