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DCC Bestiary - The Mimic Ooze

So, the concept of a mimic is very DCC-ian, a chest that can eat people.  But sadly, they are a cornerstone of decades of gaming, and somewhat predictable.  So let’s change that …

At it’s heart, the mimic is scary because it could be, well, anything!  But once it’s discovered, it becomes less terrifying and more just a monster to beat up.  But what if it was terrifying and unpredictable for the entire encounter?  Looking at the primeval slime monster entry in the DCC rulebook, it manages to accomplish that … you encounter a pulsing ooze, but you honestly don’t know what it’s capable of.  So let’s take that approach.

Here’s my concept of the mimic – it's a primeval ooze that has evolved a bit, crawled into an object like a hermit crab, and is ready to eat a wandering fleshy humanoid ... enjoy!

Mimic Ooze
     Occasionally, a primeval slime is able to evolve – it gains some animal-like sentience, and can find a large inanimate object and integrate it’s permeable form with that object.  The object can offer a protective shell if made of sturdy materials, but is an integral part of the evolved slime’s anatomy – damage to the object is damage to the creature.  Mimics enjoy occupying tree stumps in the wild, or wooden chests, suits of armor, wagons or the like in civilization.  An ideal shell is an artificial object that offers rigid protection and also has moving parts to allow for locomotion.
he base creature assumes a 5’ x 5’ ooze – if a larger ooze occupies a similarly larger inanimate object, add +2d8 HD for every 5’ x 5’ size of the creature.  Non articulated objects move at 5’ (or slower), articulated or wheeled objects may have faster or alternate forms of movement.
     Materials of the occupied object also have an effect on the ooze itself, as below:

     Leather: AC +1, HD + 1d8, SP half damage from bludgeoning weapons, SV Fort +0
     Wood: AC +0, HD + 2d8, SP double damage from fire attacks, SV Fort +0
     Clay: AC +1, HD + 3d8, SP double damage from water attacks, SV Fort +1
     Stone: AC +2, HD + 5d8, SV Fort +2
     Iron: AC +4, HD + 8d8, SV Fort +4

     Lastly, mimic oozes also posses unique abilities – roll on the chart below for additional features.

     Book Mimic: Init -4; Atk pseudopod +4 melee (1d4+1); AC 10; HD 2d8 (9 hp); MV 10’; Act 1d20; SP half damage from bludgeoning weapons; SV Fort +6, Ref -6, Will -4; AL N.

     Chest Mimic: Init -4; Atk pseudopod +4 melee (1d4+1); AC 10; HD 3d8 (13 hp); MV 5’; Act 1d20; SP half damage from slicing and piercing weapons, double damage from fire attacks; SV Fort +6, Ref -6, Will -4; AL N.

     Tree Stump Mimic: Init -4; Atk pseudopod +4 melee (1d4+1); AC 10; HD 3d8 (13 hp); MV 0’ (can move slowly over long periods of time); Act 1d20; SP half damage from slicing and piercing weapons, double damage from fire attacks; SV Fort +6, Ref -6, Will -4; AL N.

     Plate Armor Mimic: Init -4; Atk pseudopod +4 melee (1d4+1); AC 14; HD 9d8 (40 hp); MV 10’; Act 1d20; SP half damage from slicing and piercing weapons; SV Fort +10, Ref -6, Will -4; AL N.

    Gazebo MimicInit -4; Atk pseudopod +4 melee (1d4+1); AC 10; HD 9d8 (40 hp); MV 5’; Act 1d20; SP half damage from slicing and piercing weapons; SV Fort +8, Ref -6, Will -4; AL N.

     Cottage Mimic: Init -4; Atk pseudopod +4 melee (1d4+1); AC 10; HD 31d8 (139 hp); MV 5’; Act 1d20; SP half damage from slicing and piercing weapons; SV Fort +10, Ref -6, Will -4; AL N.


  1d10     Mimic Ooze Special Property

     1         Corrosive touch.  Pseudopods do an additional 1d4 damage.  Additionally any creature that touches the mimic/object takes 1d4 acid damage.

     2         Numbing touch.  Pesudopods require the target to make a DC 12 Fort save or cause 1d3 Agility damage.

     3         Sticky.  Pesudopods grapple the opponent on a successful attack, doing automatic damage in future rounds, unless the victim can make a DC 14 Strength check.  Touching the mimic/object also has the same effect.

     4         Corrosive.  Any metal weapon used to strike the mimc/object must make a DC 12 Fort save (using the wielder’s modifier) or suffer -1d of damage or -1 AC of protection.

     5         Psionic.  The mimic ooze sends out powerful mental images to everyone within 10 feet, showing a chest overflowing with treasure, a knight in shining armor, and other harmless images.  All must make a DC 12 Will save each round or lose their action staring at the ‘treasure’, or conversing with the ‘friendly knight’

     6         Fanged.  The mimic has a fanged maw, using it as a primary method of attack rather than the pseudopods, adding a further +1 to attack and doing 1d6 damage instead.

     7         Poisonous.  The mimic’s attack is venomous, requiring all struck to make a DC 12 Fort save or suffer a further 1d4 points of damage.

     8         Regeneration.  The mimic has mastery over it’s shell object, and can heal 1d3 hp per round until slain.

     9         Roll 1d8 on this chart twice

    10        Roll 1d8 on this chart once, but increase the damage by double, the DC or save by +4, or double the rate of regeneration.

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