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DCC Spellburn Random Costs

Spellburn is a great idea, that the expenditure of a caster’s life force can be used to augment a particular spell when cast by a Wizard.  However, the problem is, the mechanic acts contrary to the idea -- the wizard stops and starts doing calculations about how many points of Strength he can part with to get the minimum result needed with a spell.  This is DCC, we don't do algebra, we roll on a random table!  

Pouring your soul into casting a spell should be risky and dangerous, and be a decision not made lightly ... maybe you can choose to spend a few select attribute points, maybe you will be possessed by the King of the Efreeti ...

I had a table originally posted on this blog article way back, but in play it didn't feel intuitive with the players -- when they rolled low they winced, and nothing bad happened, and when they rolled high, nothing exciting happened.  Further, as my Road Crew group got to higher levels, they started asking questions like Spellburning to reduce a roll to prevent turning the rest of the party to statues with Turn to Stone -- after consulting with the DCC RPG Rocks FB Group, I got some great ideas, and updated the table to what it is now below.

Got feedback from using this in your game?  Want to make suggestions for additional entries?  Drop me a note at archadethered@gmail.com ...


Spellburn Effect


Tapping into the phlogiston is too much for the caster to bear – they gain 1d6 points of spellburn but suffer minor corruption (unless Wizards burn a point of Luck).


The caster calls forth an extraplanar soul that occupies his body causing his physical actions to not be entirely their own, and may expend any number of Agility points as they choose.  While they are suffering from Agility damage, the caster can only speak in the native language of the extraplanar being.


The caster uses words no mortal tongue should ever utter, and may expend any number of Stamina points they choose.  While they are suffering from Stamina damage, the caster’s voice is hoarse and they suffer a -1d penalty to any skill requiring speaking, or spellcasting.


The caster’s pallor takes a greyish hue and some of their hair goes grey or white – they may expend any number of Stamina points as they choose, and also take 1d4 hp damage for each level of the spell being cast.


The caster’s blood boils and smoke wafts from their nostrils and eyes, and they may spend any number of Strength points as they choose.


The caster is wracked by coughing and they are breathless from the casting, and may expend any number of Stamina points as they choose.


The caster is twisted with pain, and their hands shake with a tremor that will not subside, and may expend any number of Agility points as they choose.


The caster taps their mind into a higher plane, and may expend any number of Personality points as they choose.  While they are suffering from Personality damage, the caster is plagued by otherworldly nightmares, and suffer a -1 to all checks from lack of sleep.


The caster pledges their soul, memories, or some other pledge of service or fealty to otherworldly powers and may spend any number of d6 Strength, Stamina, or Agility points as they choose.  Each d6 is assigned to an ability score.


The caster spills their own blood, wracks their body, or suffers pain as powerful forces rip through their mortal form, and may expend any number of Strength, Stamina, or Agility points as they choose.


The caster strains with effort to shape the outcome of their spell, and for every 2 points of Strength, Agility and/or Stamina, they can increase or decrease the spell result by 1.


The caster beseeches powers beyond the mortal world for assistance, and can ask for any spell result equal or lower to their roll, but they owe a great debt to their patron, or another great power that seeks mortal pawns to do their bidding …

1 comment:

  1. Over 3yrs and no comments? I like the concept your table introduces.
