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5E Economics - Armor, Cortine Steel, and Elven Chain

So, continuing in our the economics blog articles, with the Overview of buying and selling here, let's talk about armor.  The Player's Handbook has a list of armor, and new players enviously eye the plate armor out of their reach ... but by the time everyone is at 3rd level, the ability of characters to pick and choose their armor is moot.  That's a shame, because 5th level characters should be able to strive for something just out of reach, and there should be more choices than leather, +1 leather, and elven chain.

3rd edition had masterwork weapons and armor, a great idea, and some other 3rd party supplements of that era took it a little further with all sorts of adjective-based upgrades like 'wicked' or 'fortified' ... but all they did was tack on 300 gp to the base price, and left a huge price gap between it and magic armor.  Who would want masterwork armor by 3rd level?

So, using the rarity of items to make certain types of armor hard to find, and adding regional versions of armor that are slightly different (lamellar), material based armor types (dragon leather), and a campaign-based type of refined steel (trying to capture the connotations of the medieval armorers, and prized Milanese steel), with small benefits weight, to AC, or protection from being sundered, you can create options for players to keep their armor choices interesting between 200 and 5000 gp, which should keep them happily shopping for upgrades for levels.

As well, since in my campaign we use a price range for rare items rather than a fixed amount (covered in the 5E Economics Overview article), and rarity levels making it challenging to locate exotic items, mithral chain and elven chain can be added in ... it's not like MagicElfMart can be found in the metropolis of Goethe, but retiring adventurers and enterprising smiths might occasionally having something rare available in the bazaar.

Here are some new options for your players, if you would like them!

(EDIT: On EnWorld, NotAYakk made some excellent points, so this table has been edited and updated on 2020-04-28)

Armor Class
Light Armor

5 gp
11 + Dex Modifier
8 lbs
Very Common
10 gp
11 + Dex Modifier
10 lbs
Very   Common
   Lamellar Cuirass
40 gp
12 + Dex Modifier
15 lbs
   Studded Leather
45 gp
12 + Dex Modifier
13 lbs
Very Common
   Leaf Armor
 100 - 500 gp
12 + Dex Modifier
10 lbs
   Leather Coat
100 - 500 gp
12 + Dex Modifier
15 lbs
   Dragon Leather
501 - 5,000 gp
13 + Dex Modifier
15 lbs
Medium Armor

10 gp
12 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
12 lbs
Very Common
   Chain Shirt
50 gp
13 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
20 lbs
   Lamellar (horn)
100 gp
13 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
Str 13
30 lbs
   Scale Mail
50 gp
14 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
45 lbs
   Lamellar (steel)
150 gp
14 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
Str 13
40 lbs
400 gp
14 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
20 lbs
   Mithral Shirt
100 - 500 gp
13 + Dex Modifier
10 lbs
750 gp
15 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
Str 13
40 lbs
   Cortine Breastplate
501 - 5,000 gp
15 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
20 lbs
   Cortine Half-Plate
501 - 5,000 gp
16 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
St 13
40 lbs
   Elven Chain
501 - 5,000 gp
14 + Dex Modifier
10 lbs
   Mithral Breastplate
501 - 5,000 gp
14 + Dex Modifier
10 lbs
   Dragon Scale
5,001 - 50,000 gp
15 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
45 lbs
Very Rare
Heavy Armor

   Ring Mail
30 gp
40 lbs
   Chain Mail
75 gp
Str 13
55 lbs
200 gp
Str 15
60 lbs
1,500 gp
Str 15
65 lbs
   Cortine Plate
501 - 5,500 gp
Str 15
65 lbs
   Mithral Chain
501 - 5,000 gp
16 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
Str 11
30 lbs
   Mithral Plate
501 - 5,000 gp
18 + Dex Modifier (max 2)
Str 13
35 lbs
   Dwarven Plate
5,001 - 50,000 gp
Str 15
65 lbs
Very Rare

     Corine Breastplate (Rare): A breastplate forged with the extremely hard steel forged in the Malacisti Protectorate of Cortine.  Items made with Cortine steel grant +1 to AC, and have +2 AC to be broken/sundered.

     Cortine Half-Plate (Rare):  This armor forged in Cortine steel offers more protection than common steel. Items made with Cortine steel grant +1 to AC, and have +2 AC to be broken/sundered.

     Cortine Plate (Rare):  This armor forged in Cortine steel offers more protection than common steel. Items made with Cortine steel grant +1 to AC, and have +2 AC to be broken/sundered.

     Dragon Leather (Rare): This suit of leather is made from a dragon’s hide, granting superior protective capabilities and flexibility. It grants a +1 bonus to AC over studded leather, and advantage on saving throws against the breath weapon of a type that matches the type of dragon hide.

     Dragon Scale (Very Rare): This suit of scale mail is made from a dragon’s scales rather than metal, granting it superior protective capabilities and flexibility. It grants a +1 bonus to AC, advantage on saving throws against the frightful presence and breath weapons of dragon, and you have resistance to one damage type that matches the type of dragon hide.
     Additionally, you can focus your sense as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest dragon within 30 miles of you that is the same type as your armor.  This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.

     Dwarven Plate (Very Rare): While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.  In addition, if an effect moves you against your will along the ground, you can use your reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10 feet.

     Elven Chain (Rare): You gain a +4 bonus to AC while you wear this armor.  You are considered proficient with this armor even if you lack proficiency with medium armor.

     Lamellar Armor: Lamellar is an eastern style of armor popular in Gandemelion and Rhaazar in which small plates of various types of materials are strung together in parallel rows using fine cord.  Lamellar plates can be constructed from lacquered leather or horn, though steel and heavier iron are most common.  Lamellar armor can be crafted into various shapes.   

     Lamellar Cuirass: Popular with mounted soldiers in the eastern realms such as Galivesh, this armor consists of a light breastplate and shoulder guards made from lacquered leather plates bound together and fitted over a silk shirt.

     Leaf Armor (Uncommon): This traditional fey armor is made of alchemically hardened leaves.  It contains no metal.

     Leather Coat (Uncommon): Portions of this long coat around the chest, shoulders, and bottom edges are made rigid from boiling, but most of the armor is composed of softer and more flexible leather.

     Mithral Breastplate (Rare): A mithral breastplate is light and can be worn under normal clothes.  If the armor imposes disadvantage on Dexternity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version does not.

     Mithral Chain (Rare): Mithral chain is light, and if the armor imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version does not.

     Mithral Plate (Rare): Mithral plate is light, and if the armor imposes disadvantage on Dexternity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version does not.

     Mithral Shirt (Uncommon): A mithral shirt is light and can be worn under normal clothes.  If the armor imposes disadvantage on Dexternity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version does not.

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