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DCC Clerical Sacrifices & Disapproval

So, the DCC Core rulebook talks about sacrifices in general terms, both to reduce disapproval points, and gain XP.  But you shouldn't just be able to smash a gold idol with a hammer and have anti-disapproval points fall out like video game gold coins (in most cases).
First things first, why would anyone sacrifice 50 gp or more to their god, if a good night’s sleep reset the disapproval score to 1?  So in my game, disapproval of 6 or more only goes down 1d6 a day, and disapproval of 10 or more just doesn’t naturally go down because you have earned the ire of your god – time to show your deity some supplication. Now, what kind of things can you give your god?  A sacrifice of a meal, a pilgrim’s token earned from journeying to a holy place far away, a new follower to join the church?  Sure!  Below is a list of some ideas, but they are not exclusive – just use them as a guideline for any sort of ideas. - give your church a permanent holy water -1 - give your church a permanent blessed amulet -1d3 - give your church a permanent blessed weapon -1d6 - donate to your church 50 gp or more -1 - donate to your church 100 gp or more -2 - donate to your church 200 gp or more -3 - ritually sacrificing a creature up to 2HD (Chaotic Clerics) -1 - ritually sacrificing a creature up to 4HD (Chaotic Clerics) -1d3 - ritually sacrificing a creature up to 8HD (Chaotic Clerics) -1d6 - slay a demon (Lawful / Neutral /Chaotic clerics ) -1d3 / 0 /+1d3 - destroy a holy symbol of an opposing deity -1 - destroy an idol or statue of an opposing deity -1d3 On top of sacrifices you can give to your church to reduce disapproval, there are always going to be sins or heresies that can increase disapproval if the cleric deviates from their deity’s dogma.

The big elephant in the room, of course, is laying on hands on a character of the opposite alignment.  Should this be a heresy?  Well, in most cases for PCs, healing a companion that will help protect you and further your goals to do holy deeds, it shouldn’t.  But if you are worshipping Aubrec the Stalwart Blade, and you are healing a bunch of chaotic cultists you are travelling with on their way to sacrifice the Argent Chalice on the blood altar of Tarnhem, well …

- blaspheme deity's name +1

- assist deity's sworn foes +1d6

- renouncing deity for another +10d6

- lay on hands on opposite alignment creature if not aiding deity +1

You should also come up with deity-specific dogma for increasing or decreasing disapproval.  THere shouldn’t be a definitive list, but here are some ideas go get you started.

Lawful Clerics

- failing to protect others (Aubrec cleric) +1d6

- slaying a werewolf (Garu-Tet cleric)  -1d6

- defying a judge (Marklyn cleric) +1d6

- sinking a ship (Rhiger cleric) +1d6

Neutral Clerics

- sacrificing a fish of at least 1 HD on a holy altar (Briga cleric)  -1

- sacrificing a fish of at least 2 HD on a holy altar (Briga cleric) -1d3

- defacing a dark and unspeakable sign (Cthulhu cleric) +1d3

- trespassing in someone's home (Eshpater cleric) +1d3

- refusing hospitality (Eshpater cleric) +1d3

- felling a tree (Mirr cleric) +1d3

Chaotic Clerics

- slay a follower of Tarnhem (Ahur cleric) -1d6

- harm a snake (Azetdahak cleric) +1d3

- harm a toad (Bobugbubilz cleric) +1d3

- harm a crow or raven (Malakresh cleric) +1d3

- cure a disease (Nimuul cleric) +1d6

- kill someone by poison or disease (Nimuul cleric) -1d3

- slay a follower of Ahur (Tarnhem cleric) -1d6

- dispelling permanent magic (Xageg cleric) +1d3

There you go!  Some guidelines to get you started … if you have any suggestions of things to add to the list, feel free to drop me a note at archadethered@gmail.com.

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