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Aquerria Gazetteer - The Hammered Stein (Fengate)

Another tavern for the Gazetteer of my campaign world!  This tavern is set in a large village of about 800 people, run by a dwarf who divides his time between being a tavernkeeper and smith, and not being overly reliable at either profession ....

The Hammered Stein: The Stein and Anvil is a spotless stone-walled tavern, with wrought iron shelves containing all sorts of tankards, cups, and goblets collected by the innkeeper or donated by patrons over the years. 
     The proprietor of the tavern is Borrun Barrelbrace, a dwarf.  Borrun is a jovial but impatient and quick speaking dwarf, who laughs more than anyone at his own jokes, and tells rambling tales of his time as a smith in Threegate, before the city was overrun and his family was driven out.  In fact, he easily gets distracted, and patrons have to remind him of their food being delivered or their tankards filled.  He loves his dogs more than anything in the world, and feeds them under the table, giving them a bowl of ale to drink each night, so they all beg mercilessly at the tables of all customers – new patrons who aren't aware of these friendly companions should attempt a DC 10 Reflex save or lose half their meal and their drink to one of them.
     Attached to the tavern is a small open air smithy, that Borrun uses for supplying Fengate with shelves, horseshoes, tools, and other simple items.  He often gets easily distracted, so the waiting list for getting something made is long, and while his craftsmanship is exquisite, most villagers go to Nubreck who is more timely in getting finished goods delivered.
     Borrun's wife Meyilda has fanciful ideas of selling pastries at the market, and spends a great deal of money from the Hammered Stein's cashbox for shopping trips to Anzagort, buying baking supplies and fancy paper wrappings, but given her poor baking skills and scatterbrained attention is not very successful, and leaves the tavern a little poorer than it should be.
he dogs are of mostly of mixed breeds named Grothi, Durthi, and Drodi, but the largest dog Moritt is a massive shaggy white gunderhound.   
     Menu:  Roasted Ench hen and longbeans (8 sp), Pickled Ench hen eggs (5 cp each), Bacon on toast (1 sp), Threetower brown stout ale (2 sp), Barrelbrace ale (8 cp).


Borrun Barrelbrace (2nd level Dwarf): Init +0; Atk hammer (as club) +1d4+1 melee (1d4+1d4+1); AC 10; HD 1d4+2d10+3 (17 hp); MV 20’; Act 1d20 plus 1d14 shield bash; SP dwarf traits, infravision, shield bash; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2; Languages Common, Dwarven, Auldpater; Smithing skills +3 (born under the loom augury); AL N.

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