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DCC Bestiary - Dirge Cap Patch

Next on the list of DCC-ifying monsters for Barrowmaze, the Shrieker … the idea of the Shrieker as a subterranean challenge to overcome, that will alert monsters to your presence, isn’t horrible at all, but as a monster in D&D, it’s kind of boring – it’s an alarm clock mushroom you hit with a hammer until it stops.  So outside of making noise, let’s say instead of a scream, it issues a sound that has subsonic pitches that affect the mind in random ways.

lso, in looking what might be good, I googled ‘carnivorous mushrooms’ and came up with all sorts of interesting real world fungi that trap or poison earthworms and consume them from within after aggressively occupying the body of their victims.

 took the Monster Manual entry of Shrieker, but nothing outside of the shriek effect really translated well to DCC – AC 13, 3 HD, small movement rate didn’t seem right for my concept, so instead I went to the Primeval Slime entry in the DCC Core Rulebook and adapted it to be shrieker-like.  Like primeval slime, I used 1 HD per 5’ square (but less robust), low initiative (it is an immobile mushroom patch after all), and then added my own thoughts.

o, what do you think of this?  Drop me an email to archadethered@gmail.com...


Dirge Cap Patch

     Subterranean patches of white mushrooms veined with faint purple striations ranging in height from a few inches tall up to two feet tall, and typically covering an area from 5 feet square to 20 feet square.  Dirge Caps are incredibly sensitive to movement or light – if any creature moves within 10 feet of a Dirge Cap patch, or shines light brighter than a candle on the fungi, they will automatically react by vibrating, causing a horrific moaning-like sound with subsonic tones – this moan can be heard up to 300 feet away, and any creature within 60 feet may begin to act abnormally from the sound as it affects their mind.

     Sometimes victims of dirge caps will come into close contact with the fungi – if this happens, the mushrooms will release spores that - infect the airways of their victims, poisoning them, and gestating within the creature, eventually killing them, and feeding on their corpses, growing out of their gaping mouths or bursting forth from their distended bellies.     

     Dirge Cap Patch: Init -5, Atk spore attack +2 melee (poisonous spores); AC 10; HD 1d6 per 5’ square; MV 0’; Act 1d20; SP dirgeful moan, half damage from non-area attacks, mindless, poisonous spores, vulnerable to fire; SV Fort +4, Ref -5, Will -5; AL N.
     When triggered by movement within 10 feet or when exposed to light, the dirge cap vibrates with a moaning noise that cause all within 30’ to make a DC 12 Will save or suffer a random effect.  As well, this moaning noise can be heard by all creatures within 300 feet, and may require the Judge to make a wandering monster check at their discretion.  Victims do not need to make another save while currently under an existing moan effect.
     Dirge cap patches consist of dozens of mushrooms, and all non-area attacks are reduced in effectiveness.
     These patches of fungi are not intelligent or aware, and are immune to mind-affecting effects.
     If a creature approaches within 5 feet, the dirge caps will exude poisonous spores, requiring any creature hit by them to make a DC 12 Fortitude save or suffer 1d3 hp damage from internal hemorrhaging that round.  Each following round any victims may attempt another saving throw, and if failed the damage continues to affect them, and if succeeded the poison effect ends.  


  1d6     Dirgeful Moan Effect

     1         Causes 1d4 sonic damage to victims, and their ears bleed.

     2         Renders the victim catatonic for 1d6 turns.

     3         Causes the victim to suffer intense feelings of fear, forcing it to flee at maximum movement rate for 1d6 rounds.

     4         Causes the victim to suffer a strong, irrational and violent reaction, causing them to physically attack the nearest creature for the next 1d6 rounds, unable to tell friend from foe, and suffering -1d to all attack rolls in their disoriented state.

     5         Causes the victim to reel from the sound, losing their next round of actions.

     6         Causes disorientation, causing the victim to move 30’ in a random direction.  If they move towards the dirge cap patch, they will stop moving when coming into contact with the mushrooms.

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