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DCC Barrowmaze Conversion Notes

Hey all!

(TLDR -- Here are my Barrowmaze for DCC conversion notes thus far -- click here to view!)

Barrowmaze is a seminal OSR megadungeon written and published by Dr. Greg Gillespie, a fellow Canadian.  It's got a unique structure, backstory, and overarching plot that I find inspiring, so some time back I wove it into my DCC campaign world of Aquerria, and my various players' adventuring groups have occasionally ventured forth to pick away at it, and then retreat for other safer environs.  To me, and for my game, it's my Castle Greyhawk Dungeon -- a mythic location that the players will find reasons to keep coming back to, slowly picking away at the story behind the monsters and treasure.

So, here's a summary of my thus-compiled conversion notes for Barrowmaze from OSR/OSE to DCC.  I've got years of lined paper notes and blog articles that are getting a bit out of hand, so I am slowly compiling to an online document that I am happy to share.  Most of my focus has been on monster conversions, but traps, DCs for skill checks or saves, reduced and tweaked treasure and magic items, and little prompts for notes to myself on how I want to handle things are also included in my notes.

Now, a word to players ... go away!  Especially if you are my players.  Move along citizen, nothing to see here ... and to Judges or GMs, just a word of caution, n
ot everything for Barrowmaze is converted here, as my players haven't nearly explored the whole of it, and I'm just one person, chugging away and converting as needed. 

Not everything in this conversion is an exact translation -- I've changed a lot of the cosmetics, settings, and monsters of Barrowmaze to fit my campaign story and world.  Yellow Mold is Tomb Moss in my game, Nergal is the Chaos Lord Nimuul the Unclean, and the great conflict -- well, it's part of my world's great conflict.  

Finally, I have not copied illustrations, the Barrowmaze Gazetteer, key plot points, maps, the endgame monsters, or other crucial pieces of information -- if you want to run Barrowmaze for DCC, you'll need to buy a copy of the PDF or physical book to make sense of these notes.  I
f you don't own Barrowmaze, you can acquire it over on DriveThruRPG.

Here are my conversion notes thus far (up to 2023-03-03, currently 23 pages and my conversion notes up to room #89 -- click here to view!).  I'll continue to update them as I scrounge through my binders and add monster content to my blog.

Questions, suggestions, wish lists, changes or your own converted Barrowmaze content for DCC you'd like to share back?  Drop me a line at archadethered@gmail.com.  


  1. Replies
    1. That means a lot to me coming from you... Thanks!

    2. I meant it. And I am just another guy having fun with this stuff!

  2. This is fantastic, thanks!
