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DCC Bestiary - Stormcrow

Okay, let’s bring out a unique monster from my campaign – the stormcrow.  I wanted a giant eagle, roc, or wyvern like creature for my campaign, a great big winged beast that lives in the mountains and is unique – something with the mythology of the eagles from Lord of the Rings, something that’s not just a big bag of hit points that flies.
By the way, the impundulu is a legendary bird with similar characteristics, although with a vampiric flare, and gave me a few tidbits of character to add to my monster.
     The stormcrow is native to the Dunstrand Mountains, but can be found far afield as these scavengers often migrate to where prey can be found.  It’s grey-feathered wingspan is nearly 30’ across, and they weigh hundreds of pounds.  Few creatures would consider a stormcrow prey.  They typically seek carrion, but if hungry enough or cornered they have been known to attack deer or lone travellers.  They typically lay eggs in the wreckage of trees struck by lightning.
     These birds are highly intelligent, with complex social hierarchies, and can communicate amongst each other in their own language – their fleeting friendship can be bought with food or shiny objects.

     Stormcrow: Init +1; Atk claws +6 melee (1d8+2), wing buffet +4 melee (2d4); AC 15; HD 5d10 (28 hp); MV 20’, Fly 80’; Act 2d20; SP absorbs lightning, , call the storm, immune to electricity; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4; AL N.
     A stormcrow is immune to electrical attacks, and becomes charged with electricity if struck by lightning.  Each electrical hit grants the stormcrow a cumulative +1 to hit and +1d3 electrical damage to any attacks for an hour before dissipating.
     If flying in a cloudy or stormy skies, stormcrows tend to attract lightning strikes to themselves.  At the end of each round there is a 1 in 20 chance (2 in 20 if in an active storm) they attract a lightning strike on themselves.

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